James Potter The Cockblocker

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Jayce adjusted her green suit, shaking off the snowflakes that had settled during their journey.

She helped Sirius to his feet, and together, they were greeted by Sirius's cheerful announcement, "Welcome to the Potters' house!"

His hand gestured towards the grandeur that stood before them – the Potter Manor.

The sight was nothing short of magnificent. Unlike the ostentatious displays of many Pureblood families, the Potter Manor struck a perfect balance. The golden lights gracefully adorned the roofs, their glow softened by the fresh blanket of snow. The house defied the typical wizarding architectural norms; it neither soared into the sky as a grandiose mansion nor nestled as a humble cottage. Instead, it stood firmly on the ground, surrounded by a garden that, even in Winter, showcased an array of blooming flowers.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Jayce whispered, her eyes tracing the 'welcome!' signs strategically placed around the house. Vines delicately wrapped around the chimney, releasing warm smoke into the cold Winter air. "Didn't you say James wanted to live here? Doesn't he already live here?"

"With Lily," Sirius added, a mischievous wink accompanying his words.

"Ah," Jayce responded with a hint of a sneer.

"The Potter Manor's always beautiful, but it's the best during Winter," Sirius remarked. "Let's head in?" He extended his arm for Jayce to take.

"Yeah, just give me a minute," Jayce replied. Pulling out her wand, she cast a spell. "Multicorfors."

"Why're you changing? I thought you looked quite splendid in your outfit," Sirius said, his eyes widening.

"I know, but I'd rather present myself as a humble person," Jayce explained, now clad in a cozy green sweater and black pants.

"Wow, so quirky," Sirius teased, taking Jayce's hand and leading her towards the entrance of the Potter Manor.

She knew how normal Pureblood families felt about the supremacists and while she also knew of James's accepting nature, she didn't know a thing about his parents. She knew that they would be nothing short of kind, but she was still scared.

James meant so much to her that she wanted to make a good impression. So far, she only knew how to make meaningful impressions with powerful supremacists, she didn't know how to do the same with normal, kind people.

As they crossed the threshold, a delightful aroma greeted Jayce – a blend of cinnamon and freshly brewed coffee. The spaciousness of the house didn't diminish its coziness. Candles flickered in every nook, casting a warm glow.

Toffee-colored walls displayed a timeline of the small family, from Mr. and Mrs. Potter to James growing up alongside smiling faces.

The living room, located conveniently near the entrance, featured a charming red couch with a fluffy ginger cat lounging comfortably.

A Muggle television, seemingly running on its own, added a touch of modernity to the magical setting. The ambiance spoke of warmth, familial bonds, and a touch of Muggle influence, creating an inviting atmosphere that made Jayce feel right at home.

The Potter Manor was not just a residence; it was a haven filled with love and memories.

"Mum, I told you REMUS DOESN'T LIKE DARK CHOCOLATE, HE LIKES MILK CHOCOLATE." James's booming voice interrupted the serenity Jayce was feeling.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind, right, Remus?" An unfamiliar voice laced with a motherly tone responded back to James. 

    "THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME, MUM," James whined.

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