Bryce? Exposed

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When Sirius first heard of Bryce, it was when James gushed about how awfully similar the two looked.

Of course, he didn't believe it until he saw Bryce with his own eyes.

The same grey eyes, the same hair, the same posture, the same slang.

Hell, even Sirius found it hard to believe that they weren't related.

There was just something about the boy that made him think twice before thinking or acting anything. And it most definitely wasn't the fact that they looked alike. There was more to it.

Then, Sirius saw Bryce more often. Especially with Jayce. He felt a weird feeling inside him whenever he saw the two together.

Jealousy? Confusion? He didn't know.

But, seeing Jayce and Bryce felt weird, It felt right. It felt normal.

There were many instances that incited some form of suspicion in Sirius. But, it wasn't until he saw the tattoo on the exact same place he had one that he confirmed it.

They were related, weren't they?

"You're my son, aren't you?"

That was the question Bryce had never wanted to be asked. Not here.

Not by Sirius Black.


"No, Harry, this is between me and-" Sirius struggled to find the word to refer to Bryce. "And Him."

Sirius was inches away from Bryce, who was cornered against the wall behind him.

"Yo, man, I-"

"You guys should go." Bryce managed to say, his eyes glued to the taller man in front of him. "Dumbledore wouldn't want you lingering around any longer."

"Alright." Harry nodded. "See you." He said to both Sirius and Bryce.

Sirius briefly turned his head to meet the eyes of his beloved godson. He had so many things to say, so many things to ask, but there was something far more important to do first.

Because Harry Potter was the son of his best friend and he was going absolutely crazy at the fact that he got to meet his godson. But, the fact that his own damn son was apparently standing in front of him, trying to keep his existence a secret from him was driving him insane.

And Harry could understand what his godfather was going through.

Different dimensions or timelines, Harry knew how to read Sirius Black.

Nodding in mutual understanding, Harry turned to leave with his friends while Sirius turned back to look at Bryce.

"You and I- we're related aren't we?" Sirius asked, his heartbeat accelerating.

What Bryce said next didn't answer the question nor deject it. But, it made it even more complicated.

"What makes you think that?"

Frowning, Sirius stepped back from his supposed relative.

"You think I couldn't tell if we're related or not based on our looks?" Sirius scoffed.

"You have a brother who looks just like you, don't you?" Bryce taunted.

"You're his son?" Sirius scoffed.

"No, I-"

"Stop beating around the bush. I know it already. Just confirm it. You're acting like I'm gonna hurt you or something." Sirius played his hands on his hips, tapping his foot in impatience.

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