Chapter 3

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After (Y/N) beats the gym, He exits the building while exhaling deeply and gazing into the horizon. He feels appreciative for taking this travel as he enjoys the clear sky and city breeze. (Y/N) notices a Gardevoir glaring ominously at him in the distance. It bothers (Y/N). The Gardevoir walks up and hugs him.

(Y/N): Ummm... Hi? Who are you?

Gardevoir: Isn't it obvious?

Gardevoir shows him her Mega-Stone.

(Y/N): Wait... Athena? Y-you evolved?

Athena: Glad you realized master

Kip'n claps his hands because Athena has evolved. Athena pats his head.

(Y/N) Oh! That's great!

Athena: Sure is~ So, what's the plan now master?

(Y/N): We'll stay the night here. Tomorrow morning, we'll head up that mountain in the distance. I'm pretty sure it's called Mt. Chimney.

Athena: Hmmm, sounds like a plan~

(Y/N) and the others spend the rest of the day in Mauville City. At night, he makes camp and falls asleep. Iron Hands, Gex, and Kip'n are wide awake.

Iron Hands: Psk! Kip'n! You tryna sneak out?

Kip'n: ...And go where?

Iron Hands: Not sure bro, this city fascinates me. I wanna get a chance to explore it.

Kip'n: I'm all for it, I'll ask Gex if he wants to go with us.

Kip'n sneaks stealthily to Gex while attempting to keep (Y/N) and the other Pokemon from waking up. Gex considers life while gazing up towards the stars.

Kip'n: Psk! Gex, wanna go explore the city with Iron Hands and me?

Gex: It's best I don't. Athena is here. If I left and she realised, she would take advantage of master. As his protector, I'm not going to allow that.

Kip'n: Understandable. well, make an explosion if you need help and we'll come right back.

Gex: Sounds good. Have fun.

Iron Hands and Kip'n depart to tour the city. As they move through the street, they are astounded by the festival's lighting. Iron Hands does some Ding-dong ditching on some houses. Kip'n abstains from engaging in this behaviour. following a two-hour exploration. They leave the city and head in the direction of Route 118.

Iron Hands: Y'know Kip'n, that was pretty fun. Thanks for joining me.

Kip'n: Glad I could. Too bad Gex couldn't come with us.

Iron Hands: Yeah for sure. If it wasn't for Athena, Gex would have came and it would've been a boys night out. Holy Arceus I can't deal with her.

Kip'n: You hate her too?

Iron Hands: Yes bro, she's so obsessed over that human. It's weird. He's our trainer and nothing more. However, she is pretty bad~

Kip'n: Bad? Elaborate on that.

Iron Hands: Y'know...

Kip'n: No, I don't. I'm not hip hop like you are, or whatever it's called.

Iron Hands: Ehh whatever! It's not too important at the momen----

A jet like Pokemon zooms across the sky catching their attention.

Kip'n: What's that in the sky?

Iron Hands: You tryna check it out?

Kip'n: Yeah why not.

Crossing the lake, Kip'n and Iron Hands enter Route 118. They raise their heads to the skies to get a better glimpse at the enigmatic Pokemon. The Pokemon halts when it sees them. It approaches them with a roar and a smash.

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