33 A Potter Summer

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"James...it's just too early," Ash rubs her eyes but can't help but smile at the terrified expression Remus had as James stopped his fist mid air.

"Let's make pancakes," Sirius suggests.

"Sure. We're visiting Remus parents today yeah?" James helps Remus up, completely forgetting why he was down there in the first places.

"Only if we can stop by mine after," Sirius walks over to the kitchen.

"I've been meaning to talk to Reggie," Ash hums.

"You know they might actually like it if Ash visits. They like her more than me."

"Cool. Do you need me to pick anything up for you?"

"No way am I letting Ash visit the people that tortured Sirius," James says.

"You're always so-"

"I agree with him," Remus agrees.

"So reasonable and caring," Ash changes her words.

"Yeah sure," James scoffs.

"Actually I have this really cool Jacket with like a stripe on the sleeve. Could you get that for me. Ooo and while you're at it, matching jeans." Sirius shoots finger guns at me.

"Noted, y'all want anything?"

"No this is dangerous and irresponsible," James objects.

"He has this brown corduroy jacket. If you can you should bring that as well," Remus says.

"You can't be encouraging her right now!?"

"And what do you want James?" Ash grins, she knew who her brother was.

"...bring the ring collection. I wanna give a few to Lilly."

"Nice choice, we'll have to split it," Remus nods.

"And what are you looting Ash?"

"Your diary."

"Pfft...diary. What diary?"

"Sorry. Expression journal."

"Ha ha ha very funny," Sirius pulls me aside and whispers "please not that. I've got a few jackets you'd like, jewelry, cigarettes. You like cigarettes right?"

"Sure, I'll put them next to your diary."

Ash and Remus were the ones putting the ingredients together. Measuring everything out. Sirius and James were decorating and cooking.

Ash and Remus were close. Their conversation flowed effortlessly. It was as if both of them had forgotten the kisses and the confessions. They were just two best friends on a Saturday morning.

Every time there hands brushed against each other they just laughed. Of course their hearts skipped a beat, and they blushed. But it was all brushed off. They were just happy the other person was happy.

"Sirius!" Ash yells.

Sirius burns himself on the oven, "OW! Fnck Ash what is it!?"

Remus <3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ