Part 2

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The buzzing is oddly peaceful, although I am glad to be going last. 

"Teddy, if you don't stay still, I will shave your fucking ear off," Mick grumbles, not finding this nearly as entertaining as I am.

Lanie will kill us when she sees us, but it will be worth it; after all, it's not every day you go to the Met Gala. Plus, as our manager, it is her job to clean up the messes, not to stop us from making them. "Teddy, stay still," I finally join in their argument, painfully aware that we are due on the carpet in three hours. We should really get a move on, or Lanie is going kill us twice or something. I have no doubt she could find a way to bring us back to life just to kill us again for being late. Considering everything we have planned in the next thirty minutes alone, Lanie is going to kill us all anyway.

"It's easy for him; he gets his hair cut like once every two weeks; he's used to short hair. He's cutting off like an inch, two tops; I am cutting off like five. It has taken me five years to grow all this. How his hair grows so quickly, and mine doesn't, is so unfair. We are identical in every single way, yet his hair grows faster; how does that even work?" Teddy huffed, blowing a piece of his curly hair that had fallen into his eyes since it was not in its usual man bun.

Teddy has always preferred having longer hair than Mick; their hair is the only thing that really sets them apart. Teddy's being longer while Mick's is always short has become the only way fans can really tell them apart. They have had a different haircut since our third album, Mental, was realised, and that was over five years ago now.

"You are so dramatic dude. I get my hair cut once a month, tops. How much spare time do you think I have?" Mick grumbles mockingly, making me bite back a laugh as Teddy continues to glare. "Remember, we are doing this for Cora," I remind them, the mood suddenly dropping a little as Teddy stops squirming, a sad smile now on his face.

"Is it long enough to donate any of it?" Teddy asks, looking at Ricky with hopeful eyes, despite all of us knowing only mine was long enough. "Sorry," is all Ricky mumbles. In all honesty, that might be the first thing the hairdresser has said since he came into the suite. There is a good chance that he might be worried that the three of us are having some sort of breakdown, which from the outside, is understandable. 

We do have that vibe about us. 

"That's ok, mate didn't think it would be. Plus, with all the hair Andy is donating, it counts for the three of us. Look at it goes to her waist," Teddy mumbles, smiling at the nervous man before finally settling into the chair in front of his drums.

Ricky is here to do most of the work, ensuring mine can be donated and then ensuring we are as close to presentable as possible later. "So, who is buzzing who?" Mick asks, a grin on his face as he picks the clippers up again. "You can do mine if I can do yours," Teddy offers, already setting his phone up to record. The boys are going to record buzzing their hair off live with a link to a charity to try and raise awareness. 

My new hair is going to be a surprise, though, mainly because if we live long enough to get to the Met, Lanie is going to kill me when she sees I got rid of my hair; it's kind of my thing always to have long hair.

I sat next to Teddy as the live stream started, smiles on all three of our faces as Mick hid the clippers behind the drums, making sure you couldn't see that we were all sitting by some instruments. "Good afternoon, bills," Teddy starts with a smile. Bills are the name our fans claim since ATMs are where money bills come from. 

It always makes me laugh that to our fans, Teddy is the cheery one, and Mick is so grumpy because when we perform, it is typically the other way around, really; Mick does most of the singing and the songs that are more emotional while Teddy tends to rap and sing the songs that seem a lot angrier and more resentful. 

Brooklyn - Taylor SwiftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora