xxxv - They've Come From Far Away

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They've come from far away, the land of the warm weather,
The summer rain, and colorful sea feathers
And there, in the middle of simplicity
They found complicity.

She had to get up at to bake for her family
He had joined the army, proudly

Fulfilled hopes and dreams, a life of possibilities
They imagined a new path for themselves and their babies
And so the Atlantic ocean they crossed, seeking a better place to be

In came their first child, a little boy they loved
And he smiled all the time
What a joy he was!
Two years later, a baby girl was born,
And she smile just as much as her brother
And eight years later they had another girl.

And after that things fell apart.
Life began to shatter for both,
"What happened to those dreams we had?"
The hope, the hope was gone.

She had to get up at,and go from job to job,
Until it was possible to find a steady one
He had to work as a security, in the night shift.
It was stressful for both, and the fights began
Until she left to work, and never came back again

Who suffered the most?
The father, the mother?whose marriage had fallen apart?
The brother?The sister? Who as teenagers, didn't how to deal with their feelings
Or the little six year old girl who sat by the window everyday,
Waiting for her mom to come back?

*Written sometime in 2015*

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