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"Actually I've thought about getting you a new car" her dad said

"Oh my thank you dad" she squealed as she ran over to attack him in a hug.

"I'm not done, from now on you'll be driving your grandfathers old Volkswagen beetles car"

She immediately burst out into fits of laughter she even started tearing up a bit when her laughter died down she was finally able to speak "that's very funny dad"

"I'm being serious"

She almost started laughing again and then she looked at his facial expression and noticed that he was in fact being dead serious "but why?" She whined which made Caleb laugh at her profusely and she shot him a deathly glare which clearly didn't work because now he was on the ground laughing and pointing immaturely "grandpas old car is terrible"

"Well you said we don't punish you enough so we've decided to do so by giving you that car" her mum said, clearly amused at her dilemma.

"Caleb do something"

"You're on your own there sis" he said still laughing at her

"I hate all of you" she sad grumpily as she folded her hands under her chest.

"We hate you too dear" her mum teased clearly amused.

Cassie was about to express her hatred for her family again but the ringing of the doorbell truncated her.

"Who could that be?" Her mum asked

"Oh that must be Tamara she's Brady's sister and she asked me to go to the station with her" she explained "and please don't be mad she's nothing like her brother she's really sweet, I know Brady deceived me but I promise you that she won't go about killing people and putting flowers in their hair" she rambled and ran off to open the door before her parents could protest. She figured they'd disapprove of Tamara's visit she got Tamara's contact from some of her friends in Freetown University, it wasn't easy but after much effort she was able to get her and then Tamara asked her if she could go with her to see Brady.

People judge other people by their country, colour or family without even getting to know them. Because someone from the same country, family or race as a person committed a crime doesn't mean that other people from such places are the same. It's quite unfortunate for Tamara that for the rest of her life she'll be labeled as 'the killers sister' she hardly even had a name anymore and so Cassie was determined to help her. Tamara hardly had any family and since she just came back to town she hardly had any friends, the friends she had before leaving Freetown fled from her after finding out that her brother was the killer. But at the same time the people weren't to be blamed because one can never be sure of a person's intentions, everything was just so twisted and mixed up.

She opened the door and a smiling Tamara stood in front of her she looked a whole lot better now. In the hospital she looked like she wouldn't make it, her recovery was quite miraculous. She was clad in a simple white dress, low heels and had her hair in a messy bun. There were still a few tiny bruises on her arms but they weren't the slightest bit prominent.

"Hi" Tamara beamed as she pulled Cassie in for a hug and then she pulled away and looked on the ground ashamedly "I'm sorry about my brother" she apologized.

"Hey it's not your fault, there's nothing to be sorry about you don't have to suffer for his sins, stop feeling guilty"

"Thanks" She smiled.

"You're welcome, now come in before you freeze to death" she scolded playfully as Tamara stepped into her house. Cassie pulled her by her hand and dragged her to the living room where her family was. Tamara scanned her house in awe, she was amazed at how big and classy it was.

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon