Chapter ten

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Link was up and out early the next morning; this was made evident by the empty space beside me when I woke up.

I worried that I had made him uncomfortable last night around the topic of his father. I hadn't known about his sickness, and things began to connect in my mind after he mentioned it.

You see, Link had always been touchy around family. I often made fun of him for it when I was little and it would dampen his mood every time. Now I knew why.

After my mother's passing, though, jokes about family subsided and we both never brought the topic up again. Well, not until last night, that is.

Still, after last night, I had seen a glimpse of Link that I had never really seen before. I didn't know he could be anything but rude, let alone almost sweet. 

The day burned slowly as I continued daily activities. I asked about Apollo once or twice and was informed that the soldiers believed they were getting closer to his whereabouts.

I wanted him to come back so incredibly badly, but- I had a newfound interest in Link that I didn't know I had before. It didn't mean that I was any less irritated by him, mind you.

That evening, I returned to my quarters after praying. It was around half past seven when I opened the door to find Link at the desk, practicing his writing skills. (He wasn't very good).

"Evening, blockhead." He said to me.

"Okay, idiot." I responded. "What are you writing? Sorry, what are you struggling to write?"

"The letter F." His expression stiffened as he concentrated on the paper in front of him. "It sucks. Like you."

"Hah!" I teased. "No abs."

"Not very true, though, is it?" He began.

"Shush." I undid the braids in my hair and took out the pins before brushing through it. 

"Zelda, if you didn't have feet, would you wear shoes?" Link asked.

"No. What are you, dumb?" I said. "That's so stupid." 

"Then why do you wear a bra?"

I gaped, throwing my hairbrush at him as he fell off his chair with laughter. "Damn you!" 

His laughter still remained prominent on his face as he looked at me, his arms up as if he were defending himself. 

"You bastard." I murmured, undoing my necklace.

Link picked up his chair as he planted himself back on it, continuing with his work.

"Hold on..."  paused and turned back to look at him slyly. "If you can't write, how did you write that letter the other day?"

"Hah!" Link burst out. "That wasn't a letter, dipshit."

"What? What was it?"

"Probably best that you didn't see." He snickered into his paper.

"What if I had actually posted it?" I crossed my arms. "Then what?"

"Oh, I knew you wouldn't. I was just messing with ya."

"hmm." I took my necklace off completely, placing in on the dresser. "Right."

After a few minutes of silence, I sat down on the bed and cracked open a book.

"What's the weirdest dream you ever had?" I asked.

"Oh God, not this again." I could hear the pen scratch the paper from across the room. "I had one where we were friends once."

"That is weird, yeah." I closed the curtains, having to reach over Link's head to do so as he playfully smacked my arm away. "What's your fondest memory?"

"Any time before the age of five." He beamed as I sighed. "Cuz, you know. Five, that's when we-"

"Yes, I get it, Link, thank you."

"Can never be too sure with you."

"Are you calling me dumb?" 

"No. I'm calling you incredibly dumb."

"And you can talk, mister can't-write-the-letter-F?"

"Uhh, I can now, actually, so shut the hell up." I peered over his shoulder at his work, nodding my head in fake approval.

"Yep, well done. You've done a page and a half of the letter Y."

"No I haven't, moron." He saw right through me.

Just then, a knock sounded on our door. Our heads both snapped in the same direction as he got up, advancing towards it. Our door entered into the living room, meaning that you had to go through it to get to the door itself.

I listened in absent-mindedly from the bedroom, throwing my hair into a bun.

"What?" I heard broken pieces of conversation from the next room. "No. She's fine. What?"

I distinctly recall humming a tune as I weaved my fingers through my hair.

"Are you sure?" Link continued. "Shit. What? Okay. Yeah, okay. Alright." His words began to rush as he walked back into the bedroom.

"I have to go." Link mumbled, mainly to himself as he pulled his boots on.

"Hm? Yeah, that's fine." I said, my mind still elsewhere.

"I think something's happened." His breathing grew denser as his words stuttered.

This was when I realised something was wrong, I remember. "What? Is everything alright?"

"I don't know." He began exiting the room.  

"Should I come with you?" I called to him. 

"Um, no, I don't- I don't think you need to." 

The door slammed closed as I was left to my own devices once more. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I now realise just how stressed Link must've been, and how oblivious I had been to it all.

How I wish I could turn back time and end the story here.

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