Chapter fourteen

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"Where the hell have you been?!" Lisa slammed herself into a chair opposite me in the library the next morning.

I had left Link at home, (Hesitantly), after he had promised me that he would be fine on his own. 

"Does it matter?" I scorned.

"Yes. Everyone's saying that Link's dad died. Is it true?" 

"Lisa, that's shallow of you." 

Was she always this invasive?

"Well?" She prodded.

I scoffed. "Yes, alright? It is. Now stop asking. It's not respectful."

"Oh, come on, Zelda. Were you always such a buzzkill?" She rolled her eyes. "Now tell me everything."

"What do you want me to say?" I sighed.

"Why did you take the day off? Were you with him the whole day?"

I decided to cave and tell her the truth; "Yes, I was. Is that all?"

Lisa gasped for joy and leaned in closer. "So?"

"So what?"

Lisa shrugged. "Did you sleep with him?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head vigorously, even at the thought. "God, no! Why would you ask such a thing? That's so unprofessional!"

"Aw, Damn, Zelda! I thought we were making progress." She laughed.

I was utterly disgusted. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what she was saying. "Are you serious?"

She stopped laughing, the smile still settled on her face. "Hm?"

"Are you really making a joke out of Link's misery?"

Lisa groaned dramatically. "Ugh, Zelda, come on!" She nudged my elbow. "You are desperate to get the Prince in bed and I don't even blame you."

I let my mouth hang open as a mark of my plain disbelief. "Do you know something, Lisa?" 

I closed my book, picking it up and standing to leave. "You are a childish, immature bitch and I wish I'd seen it sooner."

I walked out of the library, hearing Lisa's disbelief trail behind me and fade into silence.

Who was she to make such insensitive jokes? Did she not know how painful it was to grieve somebody?

And she wasn't nearly correct. My intentions with Link were utterly pure, whether she liked it or not. I was just trying to be a good person, and if that meant losing a friend, then so be it.

"Princess!" I heard a voice call out from behind me as I was walking towards the east wing library.

I turned to see Kyle once more. "Kyle? What's wrong?"

He quickly took a knee before explaining. "Big news on Apollo. They found his bag!"

"What?!" A grin spread its way across my face as I began to follow him down the hall.

Kyle lead me into the South wing meeting hall, where on the table sat a worn-down bag, unopened as of late.

Surrounding the table were a few more knights who were involved with the search mission, all of which took a knee at the arrival my prescence.

"How do you know it's his?" I asked.

"Take a look." Kyle said, as I hesitantly approached it. I opened it up, and inside were some clothes, some water and a folded up piece of paper. 

I took this out of the bag and Kyle began explaining. 

Twenty-one Questions: A Zelink storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz