"Yes." Derek nodded. 


"Because if it was one of the Alpha's in Deucalion's pack, you could either be helpful, or you could be putting your brother at serious risk." Derek said seriously. 

"You think I'm here to hurt my own brother?" Alex scoffed. 

"I don't know what to think about you yet." Derek shook his head. "Like you said, we don't exactly trust each other right now." 

Alex rolled her eyes. "Can I go now? Because Scott's going to come back in a minute and wonder what's taking so long." 

Derek narrowed his eyes at her but nodded his head. Alex turned and walked through the trees to find Scott and the others. Derek followed behind her. He couldn't work Alex out. If she wasn't here to hurt Scott, why couldn't she tell Derek why she was here. Alex was almost impossible to read. She gave away nothing and kept her guard up at all times. He had listened to her heartbeat for pretty much the entire conversation, but it had remained at a steady beat the whole time. But Derek knew that a werewolf could control that with enough practice. 

When they found Scott again, he was waiting at the edge of the pitch with his mom and his friends. Alex glanced over her shoulder at him, her eyes almost pleading with him to keep her secret. 

"There you are!" Scott said. "Where have you been?" 

"We were just talking." Alex shook her head.

"About?" Stiles raised a brow.   

"We figured we had to at least try and get along, for Scott's sake." Derek said when Alex froze. "I wanted to apologise again for the tree incident." 

To his surprise, Alex smiled and mouthed 'thank you' at him before turning back to her brother. 

"And I apologised again for punching him, I know it wasn't his fault what his uncle did." Alex shrugged. 

That took Derek by surprise almost more than her smiling at him. He hadn't expected that at all. But it seemed like enough for Scott, who smiled at them both. 

"That's great." Scott grinned. "I think you two will get along great once you get to know each other." 

Alex smiled awkwardly and nodded her head. Derek couldn't see that happening, but he was willing to humour Scott. 

"I don't know about you guys, but I think they have potential here to be more than friends." Isaac smirked. 

"Ew, no, thank you." Alex cringed. 

Derek rolled his eyes. As much as he agreed with her statement, he thought the 'ew' comment was a little uncalled for.

"I'll settle for them just getting along, thanks." Scott said. 

Derek wasn't even sure that was possible at this point. His tolerance for Alex McCall was already pretty low, and he didn't know anything about her. Except that she was keeping a pretty big secret from her own brother. Derek was all for keeping secrets to protect the people he cared about, but he just couldn't see how keeping this from Scott had any benefit towards the teenager. Still, Derek had agreed to keep her secret. So that's what he would do. He pulled out his phone to check the time and sighed.

"As fun as this little family reunion has been, I got places to be." Derek said, sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"Okay, will we see you tomorrow?" Scott asked.

"Do you need to see me tomorrow?" Derek raised a brow.

"We need to figure out what we're going to do about Deucalion." Scott said.

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