A Taken Man

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I can't believe the number of women there are to men who don't want to date in Seattle, the more I don't want to date the more women want to date me. Until I found a woman I want to date and she wants nothing to do with me. I am not going to give up, but I have a thought of how to attract her to me. I bring Beatrice and Ray Jr. with me and let them work their magic. We go to the place where I seem to run into her regularly.

Dad is really hung up on Miss Clara Aldridge, her name might be old fashioned, but she isn't. She's rather pretty and she is close to dads age. We try to get her attention without dad around and she doesn't seem to mind it but I think she likes her privacy. We start bumping into her a few times and then dad comes and gets us and we introduce them. I think she realizes that dad wants more than to have a fling with her since he brought us in to break the ice. Soon they were taking us to dinner.

Ray jr.
I love this, the fact that my father has shown me a few ways to meet ladies in a subtle way. He told me to use it for good and not to feed my physical needs. I definitely get the point and he has been very clear on what he feels about loving and leaving the girl. It's not to be done. Ray practices what he preaches. Amazingly miss Aldridge is actually dating him now and he worked very hard to get her to. He laughs and says a good woman doesn't go for the first apple that falls at her feet. She's choosy. I miss this about my dad, he might be old school, but it works better than what happens now. Texting and FaceTime are not the same as being there. We have had dinners with him and miss Aldridge a lot. They are going out by themselves tonight.

I am ready to go on a real date with Ray and he is picking me up. He arrives early and we are going to his son in laws club tonight. I dressed in a LBD and matching shoes and bag. A simple ensemble that fits most situations. We arrive at a very exclusive club called the Mike High Club and I know who owns the club and we will be in his private booth and I learn this as we are in the elevator going up. I had no idea his daughter was married and to Christian Grey. I asked him how it is possible for his young daughter to be married to Christian Grey and he laughed and said he has an older daughter and Anastasia is her name and she's married to Christian. I look at Ray and asked his age? He laughs and tells me he and Carla had Anastasia when he was 16. He married Carla. We are taken to the table, but I don't like how this hostess is flirting with Ray. I tell her that he is taken and she's wasting her flirting on him.

I nearly fell over when Clara told the hostess to stop wasting her flirting on me because I am taken. The hostess stopped flirting immediately and we never saw her again that night. I think Clara scared her off. I gave Clara a kiss and help her get seated. We had a great meal and the service was wonderful. I left a generous tip. The dinner was on Christian and Anastasia. Clara said hamburger and fries would be just as nice because we would be together. I definitely am going to marry this one.

I buy the rings and we go to the courthouse and get married. Clara loves the dogs and the house, Anastasia gave the home to me. She told me it means that I will be here for a long time. The threats to us are gone, just like the people they killed. No news articles on them dying or how they died. The press did enough damage and caused us enough damage along with others. The others are safe and have started living their lives again as normal as they can possibly be. Clara moved her dogs in with us and Mia and Richard took their four dogs back.

Our dogs got used to each other quite quickly. I hadn't thought much about birth control until now and I just thought I was too old to give birth. But we got a surprise for my birthday. I gave birth to Sadie Leigh Steele. I didn't know I was pregnant. It was a surprise to everyone when I was examined by the EMTs and they said I was in labor, Sadie was born in our bed with EMTs delivering our daughter. The birthday party ended and our daughter shares my birthday with me.

I have another sister and we had no idea she was pregnant and neither did she. I heard about these things happening to women. We were all surprised by the fact she was in labor when the EMTs told us that she was in labor and the baby arrived at home during her birthday party. The baby was small but healthy. Sadie isn't a name I would pick but it's not my baby. They took them to get checked out at the hospital. The birthday party cleanup was left to me and Ray jr. he was worthless. If dad had been here he would have made him work as well. So he sat on his butt looking at his phone while I cleaned things up. Hope he finds a wife that he has to clean up after.

Ray jr.
I decided that I wasn't going to clean up the mess. There is nothing that Beatrice can do to get me to help her clean up.

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