Match Made In Hell (sex)

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I met Thomas Lincoln after being stood up at Christian's Mike High Club, I wanted to sit where people would see us together and take photos. He likes to sit in his private dining room, out of sight and cameras as well. Thomas came over and asked if I would like company and he looked at me and said he too had been stood up. He was expecting Kate Kavanagh and she has stood him up three times already. I allowed him to sit and he bought me dinner. We enjoyed our meals and our conversations. We exchanged numbers and soon we were stood up again.

Thomas Lincoln
I was so very sick of Kate putting her job ahead of us, so I saw a lonely woman and approached her. I was thrilled I did, because it turned into something else. Soon after we were enjoying each others bodies at my apartment. I stopped calling Kate altogether, Allison kept in touch with her guy. I never knew who it was, but I was going to try to keep her. Mom and dad want to meet who has been keeping me so busy. Allison said that she wasn't ready to meet anyone's parents. I started thinking it was the gifts she was getting from Christian Grey that kept her from keeping him around. She would always find a way to come home to me after dinner with him. I always used condoms with her and got checked regularly for diseases. She has the implant form of birth control and is clean of diseases as well. She arrived mad as hell and told me that it is over between her and Christian. She tells me that she has only six months left on her lease and she is sure he won't sign a new lease and pay for another year. She tells me about a box of cookies that he got and had a woman and two children on it. She tried to break it and he stopped her and she kicked him in the balls. She was escorted from the premises. So she called and ordered the wedding dress and shoes along with other things from Carline Acton and it was over two hundred thousand dollars. I pull her into my arms and think that she is a true gold digger. Too bad she didn't get pregnant by the poor sap. I ended things with Kate and she didn't even blink an eye. She told me that she was tired of picking up the tabs anyway. No deliveries were made to Allison and she called to find out why, she was very angry and checked her credit cards and all were closed. He moves fast. I don't know what to tell her, he hasn't taken her car away yet and her automobile insurance is paid for a year. She is worried about not getting money from a recurring deposit by him. She hasn't told me his name, but I suspect who it is anyway. Kate and I have seen them at the same restaurant that he owns and she was taken to his private dining room.

I knew this relationship would come to an end, but I didn't think it would end because she was jealous of someone giving me cookies in a box with her and her children's faces on the box. I wasn't going to allow her to destroy it, I looked that box over and it is handmade. On the bottom was Another Steele Original. Ray Steele is well known for his woodworking throughout the U.S.. The box was something very special it wasn't just the photograph, I couldn't let her destroy a one of a kind box. I also didn't expect her to kick me in my balls. Luckily the pain was short lived and Jason got her out of there, that pretty much ended our arrangement. She was all about my money and I found her amusing until she got jealous of everyone and became demanding. She was wanting more than I was willing to give her. She wanted the whole thing, marriage, house, travel and no kids. She had expensive tastes, but would spend money on something that was ugly just because someone else had something similar. I decide to ask Anastasia to my parents New Years Eve Party. I promised Allison, but that was before she got violent with me.

I have two invitations from Christian and accepted them both. I made arrangements for a sitter for both nights and Christian assured me that I would definitely have someone sit with the children until the next morning. They are highly paid body guards lol. I think they weren't happy about it, but I think they just complained so no one else could get the job. I had a great time with Christian at his restaurant in his private dining room. He loves to dance and we danced a lot. We got caught up in the music and he leaned in for a kiss and I let him kiss me. It's been a while since I kissed anyone. So I kissed him back and we sat on the sofa and made out. I couldn't help myself and allowed him to feel me up.
He and I were both very turned on and ready when someone knocked on the door and told Christian they were closing up. We got ourselves together and we let them clean up and we left. The restaurant was empty except for the workers.

I wanted her badly and she was ready, but someone knocked on the door and told us the restaurant was closing up for the night. So that put an end to anything that might happen tonight. So I drive her home, she invites me in and checks on the children while I make myself a drink. I don't wait long until she appears in something more comfortable. A tank top and shorts and comes over and straddles me and kisses me. I definitely kiss her back. There was no doubt nothing was on under those thin items of clothing. I ask her where her bedroom is and stand up holding her and carry her to it. Can't have her children walking in the living room and seeing what I plan on doing to her. I lock her bedroom door and she kisses me deeply. I place her on her bed and strip her of her top and shorts, nothing underneath like I thought. I don't waste time and strip my clothes off and start in my favorite spot and feast between her legs until she comes twice. I slowly move up her body spreading her legs and push against her letting her feel my er toon as I tease her breasts and I start rubbing against her opening as she coaxes me inside her. Soon I realize she's a virgin, which means she's never had children. That's a question I can ask later. I ask her and she admits to being a virgin. I'm sure she knows I will question her later about the children.

I am attracted to Christian and I decide to have sex with him after we arrive at my house I make sure he knows it. I slip into my flimsy tank top, the one that shows everything underneath and my thin shorts. No underwear on will cinch the deal. I find him on the sofa waiting for me and I straddle him and I know he's aware that I have nothing on under these clothes. I start kissing him and I feel him become erect and he asks me where my bedroom is and I point to the way and stands up holding me up and I wrap my legs around him. I can feel his erection and we get inside my bedroom and he locks the door he sits me down in my bed and pulls all my clothing off. He strips all his off very quickly. I watch with anticipation. He starts between my legs and licks me and rubs my clit until I come as he sticks his tongue inside me he goes in and out until I come again, he moves up and teases my breast and spreads my legs and moves his penis between my vagina lips and rubs against them. He starts kissing me and I try to urge him inside me. Finally I get him inside me and I push up and peashooter him deeper inside me then I feel my hymen being penetrated and so does he. He hesitates then pushes gently into me and pulls back and pushes again and soon he asks me about being a virgin and I just can't lie to him. Of course I was a virgin until her changed that. I don't know how many times he made me come but I was aware when he finally exploded inside me. He wasn't done with me, we spent all night having sex. I couldn't walk straight in the morning. He thought it best he leave before the children got up. So I kissed him goodbye as the sun rose. He reminded me of New Years Eve and said he would call me later. I have to tell him about the children and hope he doesn't spill the beans.

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