Cause Of Death

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I hear the pounding at the door and wonder how someone got through the gates and my maid tells me police officers want to talk to me and search the house. I grab my robe and hope my hangover isn't too bad. I left the bbq early because I wasn't wanted there anyway. The cops show me the warrant and I read it while they all go through things and even my storage areas. I'm arrested and they put me in the police car reading me my Miranda and I keep quiet. They are bagging things up and I am driven away. I am being charged with murder and attempted murder of two unborn children. It doesn't take a genius who they are talking about. I am going down for the murder and attempted murders.

I get a frantic call from the maid about cops arresting Enid and searching everything and they are bagging things as evidence. They apparently went into her storage room and found things drugs and needles that were hidden behind a false wall that they discovered. I call police headquarters to find out who she supposedly killed and I need to sit down and they said that they found out her alibi was false and the guy gave her up on his death bed. Maria, Isobel and Miranda were her targets. She was able to kill Maria but not the babies, they saved the babies. I just want her to fry now. I don't care. I call my attorney and start the divorce proceedings and I am buying her bridal shop out and she can use that to pay for her attorney fees and sell that huge rock on her hand. The house is mine. Apparently she has called my attorney and he told her couldn't represent her since he's my attorney in a divorce against her. He called me and let me know about her call. He told her as my attorney he couldn't recommend an attorney for her. Soon it hit the newspapers and and I had to find a way home through all kinds news people.

I am in an orange jumpsuit and shoes of sone type and that is after they fingerprinted me and strip searched me. The tell me I am charged with the murder of Maria Aranjo and the attempted murder of Isobel and Miranda Aranjo. I look at them in shock and I know what Marie was talking about now. I call the attorney that Eamon and I use and he tells me because he is Eamon's attorney and can't represent me. I ask him why and says Eamon just started divorce proceedings against me. I ask if he can recommend anyone and he told me no and he can't discuss anything else with me and hung up. I need an attorney and I don't know if I have the money for one. I am not able to get an attorney because I have no money. So a public defender is sent out to see me. Ashleigh Greene arrives and she tells me they have me dead to rights and they are offering a deal of 30 years on the murder and fifteen on the two counts of attempted murders, that's 15 years each. I will basically live my life out in jail. I demand a trial and she tells me that the evidence will put me behind bars for life both ways.

Ashleigh Greene
I can't believe this woman. I go to my next client and I am able to get him off with community service. I too much on my schedule to sit and argue with her about taking a plea. They have her dead to rights. Finally I get through everything and the DA calls me to tell me that she took the deal, Enid Kavanagh actually took the deal. We meet at the courthouse and she signs the deal. There are a lot of people in the courtroom today because of Enid Kavanagh. She has to tell exactly how she committed the crime.

Mom tells how she killed Miss Aranjo and tried to kill her babies as well. She described all of it including her alibi and the guy who gave it to her and why. I am crying because I can't believe she did all this to another human being. Dad, Ethan, Marie and both sets of twins are here it is a sad day for us Kavanagh's. They give her thirty years for Maria and 15 each for the twins. That's sixty years total. Dads attorney has her sign the divorce papers before we leave. I found out that dad bought out mom's bridal shop and put her assistant in charge and he loves it.

The attorney handled the signing of the documents for our divorce and the buy out of her bridal shop. The money she was paid was going to be slowly into her prison account. No need to put a lot in there and then she get hurt if she doesn't give it up. Just enough to buy a few things and that's all. My attorney suggested it. She is still Kate and Ethan's mother so I can't cut her off or make her a target even thought I want her dead, I can't think of anything happening to anyone in there.

I can't believe that mom had it in her to kill anyone much less killing a pregnant woman and trying to kill the babies as well. Babies who are my sisters. She owned up to everything she was accused of and was sentenced to a total of sixty years. Dad had his attorney get everything signed while she was here with everyone watching the end of their marriage. She looked at him and signed all the paperwork and the notary stamped everything and left and the attorney filed everything in the divorce court and we left and dodged the reporters. I know my family report the news but I don't think they are this terrible. I am ready to see Mia.

Single Mom Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora