A Niece Is Born?

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Jose Rodriquez
Isobel is in labor and at the hospital after her trip to meet her sister. I knew that was a bad idea and now she is in early labor. I close the shop and head to see what's going on with her. I finally arrive after three accidents and two idiot drivers. I get parked and go to the ER an I see her father standing waiting for me and he tells me that he should have told Kate before he brought Isobel to meet her. Apparently Kate thought she was one of his whores and yelled at her to get out of her hospital room. I blame Eamon for not telling his children about each other. But calling my wife a whore is just as bad. We walk in and Isobel is getting ready to be taken to her hospital room. They expect her to deliver soon. I hug her and kiss her as Eamon apologizes to her again. Maria should have told Enid about the twins and what Eamon did. He sure paid but without Enid knowing, was happy with the status quo as long as it did effect her or her children. That was what I was told by Miranda my sister in law. What surprised me is how the twins looked just like Kate and their mother is from Mexico. Eamon made sure she became a U. S.  citizen. Isobel and Miranda were conceived because he expected her to do as he wished. Her birth control failed because of antibiotics.

I finally see Jose and my father comes in behind him, I don't know why I am forgiving him, it was a stupid thing to do to me and Kate. Men don't think things through, he should have introduced us when he knew we existed and that was when we were born. But he knew what Enid would do, he provided for us and mom is working at Kavanagh Media can you imagine how many people saw us in the childcare alongside Kate and Ethan and just knew we were his children and nobody told anyone. Including Enid. She saw us and didn't ask about us. I finally give birth and dad has left to go apologize to Kate and explain that he has children and more than one of us. We aren't his only children outside his marriage. I see a face I didn't want to see and ask if I can have privacy to give birth to my baby. Enid said she will be back, Jose told her that her battles aren't with me but my father. He told the doctors not to let Enid in again. My mom died giving birth to us and Eamon stepped up to provide for us. It was not cheap to hire people to help raise us. He covered up his expenses very well. We knew he was our father. Suddenly I need to push and I hear our baby cry after the fifth push. She is beautiful and looks like my mother. I then feel another pain and I need to push again and five pushes and I have identical girls of course she needs help breathing and then she starts crying after finally breathing. Sara  Marie and Tara Anastasia Rodriquez is better than what Jose was going to name them if they were boys. Both were 20 inches and 5 pounds and 1 ounce. They take the girls to the nursery and they deliver the after birth and tell me to sleep while I can. I laugh thinking they are right about.

I saw her and I know that she's Eamon's child and not a whore like Kate thought. I followed Eamon after Kate told me about what happened. I soothed Kate until she fell asleep. I went to see where Eamon was at, if I called him he would lie to me. He made sure I couldn't track his phones. Maria Consuelo Aranjo is the only mother I know who gave birth and died shortly afterward. Her twins were in the daycare with our children, as the owners wife I decided not to notice how much they looked like Kate and Eamon. I would have to admit that my husband not only cheated on me with his employees but he has children by them and they are being cared for alongside our children. Why he chose to introduce the very pregnant one to her sister in the hospital while she is I'll because of her morning sickness is beyond me. Don't know what goes on in men's minds at times. But I am sure they can say the same thing for us. I turned a blind eye to a lot, but this time I can't. The Kavanagh Media is his and he built it before we met, my bridal shop is part his, so divorcing him would be tricky and the prenuptial agreement says nothing about cheating and it leaves me very little now that both children are out of the house. I wished I had really read it through, but I was young and he was wealthy and I wanted to get out of the cheap room he found me in. He controlled all the money and I ran my bridal business after he invested in it and we both own fifty per cent. He knows that I kept monies to reinvest into the store but not all went into it.

I look at my grand daughters and I can't help it my heart hurts seeing that they look like Maria. Elliott is standing by me and asks me if the babies are mine? I explain to him that they are my grandchildren and their mother just gave birth to them. Kate's sister not my whore. I tell him the story and he asks me how I was able to do that? Very carefully and it was stupid to do it.

Please let Kate cool off and I will tell her that she has a sister who just gave birth to a set of twin girls. Are there any more children she should meet? He says there are three more and one is a twin sister to the mother if these twins. He has twin boys as well. I tell him he needs to tell both children about their siblings.

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