The Beast of Decay Flour Valley ( Monster AU)

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I know, I know Zambak in Monster AU isn't a Pterocentaur, she's a Naga

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I know, I know Zambak in Monster AU isn't a Pterocentaur, she's a Naga. The same goes for Tempest and Pyro who also aren't humans. But, this is just a short story about two knights following orders from their king to hunt down the ferocious beast of Decay Flour Valley.

Here's the story:

Two Knights of the Royal Kingdom arrived at a small river town. The town was located in a dense forest with one huge river that cut through the town. The people of the town were well known for trading and selling goods that were wood, meat, and fish. 

The two knights walked around the town to figure out some stuff before their mission, they have already found a place to sleep for the night. They figured some stuff out from the locals, one being that the Beast wasn't the only creature that reside in the valley. The others were the Harpies that would be spotted every morning flying over the town to get to the fishing grounds. It is rumored by the locals that the harpies were in cahoots with the Beast. The Beast kept the harpies safe from any danger, and the harpies would give their portion of food to the Beast. Pyro and Tempest knew that they had to wake up early and wait for the harpies to pass by. 

So, as the morning came the two knights went off into Decay Flour Valley. The journey was a bit difficult since they had to make sure not to be spotted by any other harpies that still remained in the Valley. 

The two eventually found a strange rock top that wasn't covered in any greenery. Pyro figured out that the Rock top was one of the Beast's sleeping grounds. They made up a plan. Pyro would go over to the rock top and wait for the Beast to arrive, while Tempest went somewhere else preparing his arrows. 

When Pyro arrived at the rock top and waited for the Beast, he noticed how it took Tempest to do his thing. And as Pyro was waiting, the Beast suddenly jumpscares Pyro causing him to fall back and almost fall off the rock top. The red-headed knight quickly picks himself up and gets ready to battle. In the Beast's mind, it thought that Pyro was just another so-called Hero who wanted to prove themselves, so she began to toy with the knight bitting and slashing at a close range, not knowing that Tempest has already arrived, and started to point his weapon at the creature. 

The Beast got tired and decided that enough was enough, and she was about to strike the young man when suddenly two arrows pierced the Beast's back causing immense pain. The Creature howled in pain and tried its best to reach and remove the arrows on its back. Seeing how the Beast was now distracted, Pyro used his sword to stab the Monster in the stomach and later slash the creature on the thigh, rib area, wings, and arm.

Pyro and Tempest knew that the Beast was going to fall soon, and so they needed some proof to show the Royal kingdom that the Beast was dead. And they knew which part they were gonna use as proof. So, Pyro used all his energy to climb up on the Beast quickly and grabbed one of the large horns. He then used his sword to cut the large horn. Once the horn was off, Pyro quickly pushed himself off the Beast. And using his sword one last time, he slashed the Beast again on the chest and stomach, while his friend shot more arrows at the wings, limbs, and back. All of this caused the Beast to fall down into the dense Valley forest. And when the Monster hit the ground, a large clash could be heard throughout the whole Valley.

The two Knights celebrated their victory and quickly went back to the Kingdom before the harpies came back.

Once the two had arrived at the Kingdom and showed the proof that the Beast of Decay Flour Valley was dead, the Kingdom celebrated knowing that if they could take down one of the ferocious Beast of this land, then they could take them all down. 

But, at least that's what they thought. Silly, silly humans, it takes more than a few stabs and slashes to take a Pterocentaur down, or any other creature for that matter. 

Because in the area of the Valley where the Beast fell, a Harpy had arrived. This Harpy who had a pastel coloring to her, had noticed that the temporary protector of the Valley was nowhere to be seen. Once she found the protector she was shocked to see her in a terrible state and quickly went over to see if she was at least alive. Luckily, she was still breathing. So, the Harpy, Raine, swiftly called over the other Harpies to take the protector to the Healing nest, where she would stay and recover.

The End

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