GNU Questions/Thoughts

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Do Gormitis age similarly to humans, or do they age differently and live longer?

Do seasons exist in Gorm? Winter, Autumn, Spring, and Summer.

What does each elemental tribe consume? We saw that the forest elementals eat fruit, and Earth elementals eat some yellowish balls (if I remember correctly). Water elementals probably eat fish and other seafood. But what about the Air and lava elementals?

Do all kingdoms/tribes have royals? It is obvious that the Water and Air have royals, but what about earth, Forest, and Lava?

Where are the other princes' parents? There's only Noctic's father, King Nadar.

Are all four elemental kingdoms against the lava kingdom? Maybe after Magor's defeat they stopped being against them?

Is there a lava gormiti who can be the next lord of nature? Excluding Magor.

Are there more elementals than the five elementals? Maybe elementals who are a different variant of the other five? Like Ice is just another variant of water.

How do the elementals reproduce? Since they aren't human, they don't reproduce as we humans do. So, just guessing here, let's take the earth elementals for example, they probably create their young out of clay or mud and a shaman does a ritual that gives the clay baby life.

Does each kingdom have their own national animal? Like Countries have.

How does marriage work?

Does each kingdom have their own traditions?

What etiquette does each kingdom have? Like how do they greet each other?

Do they use currency?

Does each kingdom have their own version of the education system?

Do Doctors/Healers exist?

These are just Questions/Thoughts I had on GNU. If y'all want, you can answer the questions or make your own questions. 

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