Chapter X - Deception Is The Dark Alley Where Ignorance And Education Collide

Start from the beginning

Interesting, from my observations, Sudou is far above Hirata in terms of athletics. Even though they're both in sports clubs, I guess it all lies down to who is more liked. Disregarding that, Ichinose received an astonishing 84 nominations out of 160, I knew they were famous I just didn't think they were that popular though.


Pick one student. Student who is least likely to excel in academics.

Penalties: -1000 private points.

How brutal, the penalty is small but the nomination is just singling out the less academically inclined students. It's because that the exam results from the earlier exams were made public, the students who fell at the bottom are likely targets.

I could be safe from this unfortunate punishment and humiliation that goes along with it because of my most recent exam results which was a score of 420/500. I can't help but feel bad for the student who ends up nominated for this one though.

To think the school would subject students to something like this though.

Nevertheless, the ten minute discussion began. As I thought, the students will low levels of academic ability were voicing their complaints. Some even lost hope as they knew they would be high up on the list. None of them are most likely concerned with the punishment but rather, the embarrassment.


Least likely student to excel in academics - Ike Kanji, 50 nominations.

Harsh. As Class-D, we hold the most students with the least intellectual ability but that doesn't necessarily mean we are all bad. Another thought came to mind when I compare the students one by one. For example, you have Hirata who is both smart and physically strong. But why are they in Class-D? There is more to the entry requirements in this school that we're not being told about.

Anyways, Ike is the one who was nominated. I looked at the long list of students and the nominations for all of them were evenly spread out but most of the votes were being directed towards Class-D students in general.


Pick one student of any type to receive this penalty.

Penalties: -10,000 private points

So this is where class conflict starts then. We were pretty much allowed pick one student of our choosing to receive punishments personally. With people knowing how this school operates, they're going to unsurprisingly vote for the opposing class leaders.

The ten minute discussion starts and for once, a discussion was properly instigated by Ichinose.

"Ah, I should have asked this way earlier but who here has an ability given to them?" she asked.

There was silence for a little bit but after much hesitation, a student raised their hand.

"Um, I have the immunity ability, Honami-san," said Matsushita.

"Okay, thank you, Chiaki-san. How about anyone else?"

After Matsushita so gracefully revealed their holding of the immunity ability. Two other students followed along. Miyake Akito held the Extra Votes ability and Mei-Yu Wang held the Double Negative ability. All that's left is whoever held the Guardian Angel ability but after waiting, no one spoke up.

Ichinose, not wanting to waste anymore time, decided to move on seeming satisfied knowing which three students have three of the four abilities.

"Alright, so, does anyone have a suggestion of who we should vote for for the penalties?"

Classroom of the Elite: Ichinose of Class-DWhere stories live. Discover now