He kisses my shoulder, moving up my neck, pulling my hair aside to graze his teeth and moustache across my skin.

"You are distracting me from cleaning," I tell him, and my voice is fainter than I expect.

"I'll stop then, eh?" he whispers beside my ear.

But I bring a hand to the back of his head, holding him there as he continues. Goosebumps flush all across my skin, everywhere his lips press, but everywhere else, too. A sear of them rising up my legs, dancing across my thighs, sending tingles along the base of my skull.

"My brave soldier, I do not recall asking you to stop."

He laughs softly into my skin and turns me in his arms. "Then I never will, my beautiful wife."

"Mm," I groan softly as he flicks his tongue across my jaw, warming me with every kiss. "Say that again."

"My wife," he repeats in a low voice, and we're so close together I can feel him hardening against my hip.

"My husband," I whisper. On my lips, the words sound newly formed.

"Every part of me aches for you," he tells me. "Being in your arms is unlike anything else I've felt before." He runs his hands the length of them, from my wrists to my elbows to my shoulders as he speaks. "You fill every fucking corner inside me."

"I don't think you have corners," I whisper, and I've never felt so much love before.

He tips my head back and breathes his words against my throat. "If I say I have corners, I have corners, alright?"

"Perhaps I'll continue to disagree."

"And perhaps I'll make you wish you hadn't."

My eyes light up. He smirks when he sees it, and his hands move to clasp my ass cheeks, squeezing through my wedding dress.

"Arthur Shelby," I declare, "There is not a single corner in your body."

With a heavy gaze, he lowers me down to the bench where I'd been sat with his aunt and sister not an hour ago. "Say that again."

There's a warning in his voice. But I swallow, and speak once more. "Not a single corner."

He rips my gown from my shoulders, and I'm completely exposed from the waist up. I cry out, and his hands find my nipples, pinching and rolling them between his fingers.

"Are you going to continue to defy me?" He asks. "A wife ought to obey her husband."

It's hard to find words between the jolts of pleasure with every pinch, every tug on my breasts. "You should have known I'm not that sort of wife."

"One of the many things I love about you," he murmurs, and he dips his head and takes one of my buds into his mouth. He groans as he sucks on me. "Now. Are you going to be a good girl?"

But I bite my lip, too enthralled by this side of Arthur to keep quiet and behave. I'm playing with fire. I'll probably regret it.

"I might see the lawyer alone again tomorrow," I say.

His eyes darken as he releases me from his lips. "Don't even think about it."

"All alone," I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. "Walking the streets of Birmingham. Defying my perfect husband. Just as I did before."

I don't expect him to rise to the bait so quickly, but before I know what's happened he's hooked his arms behind my knees, and pulled me sharply. I fall back onto the bench with a gasp and he pins me in place with his hands, his hips, his knees.  He rips my wedding dress completely off me, and then tears the thin lace of my underwear, ripping it to shreds that he tosses aside.

Astor // Arthur Shelby x Reader - Peaky Blinders Where stories live. Discover now