Chapter 25

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Daenyra Targargyen entered this life with the sole goal of changing her fate. As Ash, she was a pawn, used by an ambitious man to suit his own needs. She never stood a chance to have a life. But after death that all changed. 

She ruled three realms. She was a conqueror, a legend. She had three husbands who all worshiped her. However, her single greatest accomplishment was becoming a mother. 

Ash had always heard that there is no love like a mother's. She called bullshit because her own mother was a right cunt. But the moment she held Rhaegar in her arms it was as if she had finally figured out the secret kept from her. 

Love was warm and all-consuming. No wonder all those men bent to her every will, if this is what love felt like. She would burn the world for her children and rebuild it as they desired. She would commit unspeakable sins, so long as they were happy. 

Seven children.

Seven flames made up her heart. 

She had won the game and now it was time to pass the crown to the next generation. She knew it would be a long time before she met death again, but she wanted to ensure her legacy so that another dance would not occur. 

She had taught them well, but they were also so much like her. She prayed that her ambition died with her so that her children would never know the darkness that consumed her. 

Gwen stood behind her, fixing her hair into the complex braids as she did so long ago in the red keep. 

Even though Gwen was a noble lady now, she still offered to help her friend and savior ready herself for the big day. Gwen had married the love of her life Caspian, and together they had four children. Her heir was her son, Thomas Lancelot. Gwen could not be happier with her life, but it was times like these when she missed the simplicity of being the maid-servant to the princess. 

She smiled as she looked at the beautiful golden queen. Daenyra wore a red and black dress, with the Targaryen symbol stitched onto the front. The familiar weight of her conqueror's crown sat atop her head as she took an unsteady breath. 

"It's going to be fine, your majesty," Gwen reassured her oldest friend for the millionth time that morning. 

"Today marks the beginning of the next generation. The golden era shall continue on without me... I am afraid of the moment when the present becomes the past. It seems that the only truth I can't alter is the march of time... My children are grown. I have a grandson, and three more grandchildren on the way. Even I am fading under the weight of age. I... I'm not ready for the moment I am obsolete."

"You will never be obsolete. You have carved your name into history. You are the house Targaryen, mother of the three realms. Your blood flows through the very veins of each nation and shall for a thousand years. You forged noble houses, rebuilt nations, you saved the House of the Dragon... You, my Queen, will live forever." Gwen said as she gripped Daenyra's hand. 

"Let's go, name my heirs..."

The three kings sat in their thrones to the right of Daenyra's empty dias. They were silent as they waited. Their children chatted amongst themselves awaiting the arrival of their mother who they had not seen since they arrived. The court was buzzing with nobles from each of the three realms. All grew quiet as she was announced. 

" Announcing Queen Daenyra 'the Conquerer' of House Targaryen. First of her name, Queen of Essos, Old Valyria, the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm. Lady of Camalot, Protector of the Free Lands, the Mother of Twin Realms, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Golden Queen, and the Breaker of Chains." 

She entered and they all felt the power shift. Her three husbands stood in respect as she entered. All bowed their heads as the Conquering dragoness passed by. 

She sat on her golden throne allowing all to be seated. 

Her children moved to stand in front of her, awaiting her verdict. 

"Welcome, all to this most momentous day. Today marks, not the end of my reign, but the continuation of the Golden Era of the world. A time of peace and prosperity forged in Fire and Blood. I hope we stay united even after the Heir of each nation is announced. I have spent many restless nights contemplating the fate of my world. I believe I have come to the correct decision...

For the Heir to my titles as Leige of Camelot and Ruler of Essos, I name joint-heirship to Prince Rhaegar 'Battle-born' Targaryen and his wife Princess Aemma Targaryen. They shall be equal in all power and decisions. Born in Essos I can think of no better than you both to inherit its people. I pray you train your son to be as strong and wise as I have taught you to be... You shall make a wonderful king and queen."

Rhaegar had a tearful smile as he pat his son's head. He was so happy he would be able to remain in his home. In the land, his mother had built for them. He was happy that Camelot would one day go to his son.

Aemma was just as happy, grateful that she was not reduced to queen consort but an equal to her husband in every way.

"For the Heir to my title as Ruler of Valyria, I name joint-heirship to Prince Viserys ii Targaryen and his wife Princess Visserra Targaryen. You have both been of one heart and soul since the moment you were born, it was greed that fell Valyria the first time, I trust you both not to let it happen a second."

They too smiled. Visserra held her swelled stomach as she envisioned the world they could build for her twins growing in her womb. 

"Finally for the Heir to the Iron throne and my title as Ruler of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I name yet another joint-heirship to Prince Rhaegon Targaryen... I also announce a betrothal to his co-heir Visenya Targaryen... I have entrusted you both with my home, the place of my birth. I fear I have granted you the most difficult task of all. But I trust you both to ensure our legacy..."

Rhaegon looked as if he would cry. He knew he was named to avoid any political problems in Westeros. Aegon was after all his father and should inherit the throne. But his mother gave him his heart's truest desire as well, she gave him Visenya. 

Visenya too was thrilled, not only with her new betrothal but with her new heirship. She was seventh in line for any throne so she was beyond thrilled with the prospect. 

Aerys looked heartbroken. He was the only member of his siblings that was overlooked. Seeing this Daenyra continued.

"Finally... For my title as protector of the three realms... This title is new... To ensure no infighting I name my son, Aerys, and his future offspring to act as the heart of the three-headed dragon. He shall ensure peace among the three nations for as long as they stand..."

Daemon looked pleased with the outcome, he too was afraid when his son got nothing. He should never doubt Daenyra.

"May my decrees be announced to the people, have ravens sent, and let the histories be written... Let the festivities begin as we celebrate the dawn of a new world!"

Cheers echoed as the Golden Era solidified. 

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