Chapter 5

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Love is the world's greatest weapon. 

It breeds undying devotion, blind faith, and a desire to please. Familial love is powerful, but Ash never had a family. Familial love was not a language she spoke well. Daenyra however did have a loving and devoted family, she was slowly learning how to wield familial love as well. 

But her mother tongue had always been romantic desire. 

Trapped in the body of a babe, Princess Daenyra was unable to use the full extent of her capabilities. She could not bring out that raging desire in men like she could before. 

But today was her fourteenth-name day. 

In the realm of Game of Thrones, she was a woman grown. She had her moon cycle, her breasts had come in nicely, and her curves were slowly becoming more womanly. 

A slow smile stretched across her lips as she examined herself in the mirror. Her face was the same as her first life, sculpted yet soft. The only difference was the paleness of her skin, the violet hue of her eyes, and her silvery blond hair. She looked ethereal. 

It was the start of another dangerous game. 

Derek and James were both extremely loyal to the Princess, but they still saw a little girl. They saw the baby sister that they were tasked with protecting. She could not manipulate their minds and bodies as a little sister. 

Changing their view of her would take time and delicate advances. 

She had to be sensual but not obvious, she had to implant dirty thoughts in their heads but make it seem like it was all in their heads. 

She had to be the perfect pure princess that they lusted after. 

A slow caress of the arm, a lovely smile just for them, asking for help to put on a necklace. It was slow and steady but Derek was the first to fall. 

Just a month prior, Derek was standing outside the door of Princess Daenyra's chambers when her heard her dove-like voice call out. "Derek!"

He turned entering the room to find the thirteen-year-old princess struggling to reach the stings on her dress. 

"Derek, would you mind loosening this dress? I made a fuss about being perfectly capable of undressing myself and I fear I was mistaken." She grumbled as he looked over her shoulder at him. 

He chuckled to himself, knowing that was absolutely something his princess would do. He walked up behind her, moving her silk-like hair out of the way and over her shoulder. 

He started to carefully unlace her dress, but as his calloused fingers brushed against her soft milky asking his movements started to slow. 

For the first time, he recognized the curve of her hips, the unblemished pale skin that he was exposing. She watched in the mirror as she saw the exact moment the tone in his pretty green eyes shifted. She observed the bob of his Adam's apple as he reluctantly continued his task. 

Next was the reason she chose this dress in the first place, for this exact moment. The second the midway lace was undone, like magic the flowy white sleeves dropped from her shoulders exposing the bare skin. 

The fabric flowed like water across her porcelain upper half, only for her to catch it just before she was completely exposed. 

Her shoulders were bare, her sharp clavicle on display, her long pale neck exposed, and just the slightest curve of her breasts. His face went red as he turned respectfully. 

"Mayhaps I should get a maid." He stumbled, his voice far deeper than she had ever heard it. 

"Don't be silly, Derek." She smiled that angelic smile, the fire light giving her a holy glow. She turned to face him, her delicate hand still holding up the top of the dress. His mouth grew dry, horrified at himself for his wicked thoughts. 

"It's okay, Derek." She reached out her hand to take his and guide him back to the laces of the dress, "I trust no one more than you." 

That was the moment she watched the little sister image shatter in his mind. He gulped once more, finishing the laces quickly. 

"Thank you for the help, goodnight Derek!" With another angelic smile, he was dismissed to revel in his own carnal desires. 

Ever since that night, she had made some 'unintentional' physical contact, a few lingering stares, and that was all it took for the mighty Derek to fall for her charms. 

He had been staring at her for a month straight. She recognized the longing glances, the beginnings of blind love. 

That she could work with, lust was her language of choice. She was finally in her familiar game where she was most comfortable. 

Behind her, as she adjusted the tiara on her head, Derek stood in a daze. He had entered to tell her the festivities were beginning but at the sight of her his mind went blank. 

He had been disgusted with himself for a month straight. The naughty dreams of those pretty purple eyes teary with pleasure that he caused, haunted him. 

In the dead of night, alone in his room, he would think of her. The little girl he had followed around like a dog since she picked him. She was so far above him, so unattainable, but he didn't care, in his mind, alone in his room, she was his

He knew she wasn't trying to torment him, but it seemed as if her every movement drew him in more. He was ripped from his thoughts by the woman herself. 

"How do I look?" She smiled at him, and he wished he could stop time and live in that moment forever. 

"Beautiful as you did yesterday and perfect as you shall tomorrow." He said breathlessly as her smile somehow grew. 

"Well let's go. It would be a rather dull affair if the guest of honor didn't show to her own name day." She led him from the room joining the celebration. 

As the doors opened all quieted and one male in uniform announced her, "Entering, Princess Daenyra Targaryen of House Targaryen, the people's princess, the diamond of dragons, second in line for the Iron throne." 

She practically floated into the room and all eyes were on her. 

She had been named the most beautiful woman in the realm when she was thirteen, and for good reason. 

Daenyra knew every beauty tip from modern times. She knew how to curl her hair into perfect ringlets and wash her face so the skin would glow. She was radiant and graceful as a true angel. 

Viserys brightened at the sight of his perfect daughter, struggling to stand and welcome her. "Kepa!" She smiled, throwing her arms around the king. 

She gave a 'sincere' smile to Alicent and thanked her for her well wishes on her name day. Aegon Targaryen stood next to his mother, at a mere ten years old he was head over heels for the family diamond. 

He stared at her in awe as she sent a small wave and smile his way. He treasured her every acknowledgment like a gift from the seven. 

Aemond blushed profusely next to Aegon as Daenyra turned her attention to him. 

Little Helaena also smiled brightly as her half-sister acknowledged her. 

The adults chuckled at the clear childish crushes that Aegon and Aemond had on their older sister. 

She danced around the room, Derek never straying far from her side as lords and their sons desperately tried to gain her attention. It was clear that the king would only accept a marriage of love for his diamond, so the only way to get her hand was to win her heart. 

An impossible feat for the heartless angel. 

She was not yet ready to end her dance. 

The game didn't end until she was on the throne. But things were delicate and she stood on a floor of ice, one wrong move and she could fall through. She needed all her pieces to begin.  

While many games had started, the game of thrones had yet to begin. 

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