Chapter 24

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The three-headed dragon had been the symbol of the house Targaryen since Aegon the conqueror first set sail for Westeros with his sister wives. 

Now the three heads represented something else entirely—a symbol for yet another silver-haired conqueror. 

Westeros, Essos, and Valyria. 

The three heads of the dragon. 

Three king consorts.

The three realms ruled by one Queen.

Daenyra the conqueror had taken over the world. The people looked to her like a god. She maintained their separate cultures while still bettering each nation as a whole. She forged new noble houses that stood firm. All attempts of rebellion were crushed in infancy.  

She was an unstoppable force. 

The only enemy that Daenyra would never be able to defeat was time. Time eats all his children eventually and even the conquering golden queen was no exception. So as she reached the noble age of 45 she called a great council in the halls of Camelot. 

For the first time in years, the three heads of the dragon would unite once more for Queen Daenyra to name her heirs. 

Most believed that Rhaegar should be heir to all three realms after his mother. Some thought that the three realms should have three separate heirs. 

But ultimately it was for Queen Daenyra to decide. 

King Consort Aegon was elated to see his sister-wife again. He hadn't seen her in a moon. She spent one month in each of the realms with each of her husbands to ensure no favoritism among either. 

It was hell to be apart from her, especially for Aegon but his son made it bearable. 

After the loss of Daegon, their first son, they were blessed once more with Rhaegon. Aegon had been slightly disappointed to find more of his features in the boy than Daenyra's but his personality reflected the dragon queen so completely all hesitance faded. 

They walked side by side up the sandstone steps toward the magnificent castle of Camelot. The Targaryen banners hung everywhere, the crowds cheered as the husband and son of the conqueror passed by. It had been years since the first head had left Westeros but the heirs were to be announced and he got to see his wife so it was justified. 

Aegon glanced over, noticing the stoic expression on his son's face that only meant one thing, "Nervous?" 

Rhaegon snapped out of his brooding trance and looked to his adoring father, "Of course not..."

Aegon smiled at the same snappy tone Daenyra had when she was lying about how she felt. It had taken a while but her husbands picked up on all of her mannerisms. It had almost become a competition between them to see who understood her better. 

 He saw so much of Daenyra in Rhaegon, if it wasn't for his face Aegon would be sure not an ounce of his blood flowed through him, only Daeny. 

"There is no need to be nervous. Your mother and siblings will all be there... Visenya will be there." Rhaegon's ears flushed red with embarrassment at his father's teasing. 

Rhaegon was completely enamored with his younger half-sister. Visenya was the youngest of Daenyra's children. There was only a four-year age gap between them but Rhaegon had loved Visenya since the day she was born. 

Visenya lived in Camelot with her father Aemond, the third head of the dragon. 

"Do you think Mother would betroth us? I know Aemond would never agree but Mother is ultimately the queen and I am 18, well within marrying age."

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