Chapter 21

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She knew she had made a mistake the moment she received news that Prince Daegon was dead. 

Rhaenyra almost felt the shift in the air, felt her sister's rage even with the narrow sea dividing them. 

In her rage that her sister gave birth to Aegon's son, she had made the biggest mistake of her short reign. She made an enemy of the golden queen. 

Rhaenyra held her sons, Jacerys and Joffery, close trying to keep them warm in the damp dark cells of the red keep. 

She played the day over and over again in her head. 

The screams of the guards echoed through her ears, with every gust of frigid air she heard them cry even in the silence of her prison. 

Days prior she remembered the confusion as hundreds of people left the city of kingslanding. Now that she thought about it, Daenyra had probably warned the people beforehand that she would attack. 

She remembered the horror she felt as the northern army surrounded the city. The Tullys, the Baratheons, the Starks, the Lanisters, the Hightowers, the Tyrells, and all their bannermen as well as an army of Essosi soldiers all stood against them. 

She felt the heat from her little nephew Rhaegar's dragon flame as he flew ahead to destroy the Veleryon ships. 

She could still smell the ash-filled air as five-year-old Aemma burned through the front lines with one mighty DRACARYS

The black Targaryens did not even have time to reach their own dragons as the servants with Mockingjay pins turned on them, holding her son hostage. 

Daemon was captured as well by Derek Snow, and taken to a separate cell with their two sons. 

It took a total of four hours for Daenyra's forces to take Kingslanding. 

The lords of the realm bent their knee for the great conqueror Queen and her King Aegon. All but the Veleryons who were in the cell next to hers. Daenyra knew they would never bend as their grandson could be next in line for the Iron throne. 

It wasn't until Rhaenyra sat in a cell hugging her two sons that she recognized the sin she committed against her sister. She had been so lost in the anger and paranoia that she lost sight of her truest ally. Her little diamond. She had killed the light inside the Angel of the House Targaryen the moment that blade was dragged across the infant prince's heart. 

She had been Queen of the realm for two weeks and in four hours Daenyra had decided she was not worthy of her birthright. 

She was made the villain in the eyes of her sister and her people. 

She hoped there was still enough good and mercy in her sister that her sons would survive this siege, but the look in her eye gave her little faith. 

She prayed that night, to the seven, to the old gods, to anyone who would listen that Daenyra would spare her sons... No one listened.

Daenyra walked through the red keep. Every wall, every corridor, she had grown up in seemed more lifeless than before. Aegon walked beside her, looping her arm through his. Aegon had been quiet since finding their son dead. 

She could tell her husband was in agony knowing that it was partially his fault. 

He refused to leave Daenyra's side for even a moment as they entered the throne room. The lords bowed in respect as they ascended the steps to the Iron Throne. 

Daenyra's crown rested upon her head, her dress was so black it seemed to absorb the light around them. Aegon led her up the steps and held her hand as she sat down on the Iron Throne. 

Aegon stepped back, lowering himself onto his knee beside her as he called out to the crowd of loyal lords, "All Hail Queen Daenyra 'the Conquerer' of House Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of Essos, the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm. Lady of Camalot, Protector of the Free Lands, the Mother of Twin Realms, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Golden Queen, and the Breaker of Chains." 

"All Hail Queen Daenyra!"

There was a moment of silence after the cheers had died down. Daenyra stood once more addressing the congregation. 

"At age seventeen the gods sent me a dream. I was to go east and conquer what was mine by divine right. The dreams told me that my line would unite the twin realms and that the world would stand strong under Targaryen's rule by my blood. This is not how I imagined that fate coming to pass... My sister in the face of tragedy lost herself and it was the people who paid for it... She killed my infant son Daegon, under her rule so many innocent lives have been lost. My heart bleeds for my people, my home, my family. My sister was no protector of the realm, she forgot what being queen truly meant... But she is my sister... So I ask of you, lords of Westeros, what should become of the Usurper and her heirs?" 

There was a tense moment of silence before Otto Hightower spoke up, "Aegon Targaryen was crowned king on the Kings Viserys' command. As Prince Daegon was his only heir Princess Rhaenyra killed the heir to the realm and a prince of Essos. It is the highest treason and I say she be put to death. I say cut the rotting limb of the Targaryen family tree."

"I second the motion that Princess Rhaenyra be sentenced to death for her crimes. Send her sons to the wall and be done with the mad Targaryen." Lord Baratheon called out. 

The lords murmured to each other, nodding at the outcome. 

With a single raised palm the crowd fell silent once more, "I would put it to a vote... Though I am Queen, I would not like to add kin-slayer to my obnoxiously long list of titles... The blood of my sister will not fall on my hands... All lords in favor of putting Princess Rhaenyra to death for her crimes raise your right hand and say, Aye..."

All did. 

"All opposed to the notion of putting Princess Rhaenyra to death for her crimes raise your right hand and say, Aye..."

Not one hand raised in her defense. 

"It is unanimous... I, Queen Daenyra 'the Conquerer' of House Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of Essos, the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm. Lady of Camalot, Protector of the Free Lands, the Mother of Twin Realms, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Golden Queen, and the Breaker of Chains, sentence the Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen to death by dragon fire."

All watched as a tear fell down her beautifully sculpted face as she gave the verdict. 

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