Chapter 11: Light Meets Light

Start from the beginning

There was a part of himself that felt worried about the long-haired brunette and how she would confront him since their last meeting didn't pan out all that well since they had to deal with the Heartless. Not to mention, he did say he would answer her questions about everything that was going on. And based on a first impression of the girl, Sora had the idea that she wouldn't be holding back on the questions. This meant that he had to be confident in his half-truth answers that he had been telling everyone else as of late.

With this revelation in mind, he set out to make himself a breakfast that wouldn't take long while also planning on jumping into his shower and cleaning himself since... now that he thought about it... how long had it been since he had showered?

"Let's see... the last time I showered was at Master Yensid's Mysterious Tower in one of the rooms that was given to each of us before the Keyblade war which was... uh... how long ago was that?"

The more Sora thought about what he said, the more he realized he didn't know exactly how long it had been since his last shower. The sudden thought made him feel a bit embarrassed while also relieved that his magical clothes managed to repair themselves with small cuts or burns and stains that smelled but that could only do so much. Plus, he had switched out of his regular clothes and into a white t-shirt with long dark shorts while finally giving his clothes a break after which further drove home the point of him not having showered in so long. How could he let himself get like this?

Deciding to fix this issue, he quickly made himself an omelette with toast and juice while also getting himself used to this lifestyle since this is what he'll be doing for quite some time now. Finishing up his food, he spent a good minute in the shower making up for lost time. After he was now done and back to wearing his regular stylish clothing, he set out to make sure his dorm was decently clean for when he got back from hanging out with Mugino. Who knows how long that will take and if Sora was to guess, then he wouldn't be back until later tonight. Closing up shop, once he was done giving his place the rundown, he exited his place and locked it while making sure that he was ready for the day. Reaching into his pocket, he remembered attaching Hero's Origin and Oathkeeper to his Keyblade letting them ready to go at a moment's notice.

Now, taking a step away from his dorm, he sent out a text to Touma letting him know that he was going to be out for the day in case he had to get a hold of him. With nothing else to do, Sora set off to the location that Mugino had sent to him along with the time that he was supposed to be there. The boy had unexpectedly gone about his business in a timely manner and still had plenty of time to get to the location. Hence, he figured he could take a train or two and ultimately take his time. Besides, he still had a great deal more of Academy City to see.


Meanwhile, within a luxurious apartment in another part of the city

The fourth-ranked Level 5 better known as Meltdowner had prepared herself to the point that her teammates/roommates were wondering whether she was going to war against the city or taking an extra precautionary thirty steps in preparation for her meeting with the spiky-haired boy they encountered the prior night.

After having jumped into the shower and freshened herself up due to neglecting such a thing because of her focus on the investigation of the boy, she was now dressed in attire that she concluded to be comfortable to move around if the situation permitted. Who knows how her meeting with Sora would go?

Her outfit consisted of a grey dress with a black tank top underneath that went along with black leggings and grey slip-on athletic shoes. In her terms, she figured her outfit would be fine. Besides, if she changed her mind about her outfit, then she could quickly change to something else due to her large wardrobe. In addition, under her grey dress on her left arm was a small sleeve that was hidden from plain sight that acted as a holder for her phone along with containing several cards that helped amplify the number of lasers, she was able to shoot out.

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