It was their inside joke. Gulf would call Mew as the Dad of the girls as how he was providing for them and Mew would call him the mommy of the girls because he had to fed them.

Mew brought juice for Gulf and made him sit in his arms as he adjusted the girls to latch on his swollen nipples.

"Gulf. How you know the girls are hungry"? Mew asked him looking at Gulf who was looking at the girls with a happy smile.

"Ummm.. How to explain it now Phi. Call it mother instincts". He said trying to wave off but he forgot the man sitting behind him was curious as hell.

"Oh no. Thats not a scientific logic. I mean i would understand if the girls start crying and i get it if they are crying even if their diaper is changed or anything. But sometimes i see you automatically hold them and they start taking milk. How"? Like Gulf thought, Mew couldnt be satisfied.

He slight shook his head and placed the girls on their bed after they had their share of milk. He buttoned his shirt and turned to Mew still in his arms.

"Somebody curious eh"? He winked and Mew growled making him chuckle.

"Actually. Well it is a bit technical and scientific too. Since the girls are more or less 2 months old. They only survive on milk. So its like an automatic clock that ticks inside me. After an hour. My .. Umm chest or better say my nipples get heavy like filled with milk. And i feel the burden indicating that the girls are hungry. And when they finish feeding the heaviness reduces, indicating that the milk level is reduced. Once they will turn 6 months above, they will be introduced to other baby foods. And then it will be reduced". He explained in between blushing cheeks. He looked at Mew who was looking back at him with gaping mouth.

"What"? He started laughing looking at his expressions.

"Ohh. Thats the reason your nipples are swollen sometimes. Wow. I often noticed but never thought about it. Wow". He commented in amaze and Gulf busted into laughter.

"Khun Po', you dont need to worry about it. Like i said, its motherly instincts". He ruffled Mew's hairs playfully.

"Wait. You said the milk produced is enough to be fed to the girls for one time. And then its produced again. Right"? Mew raised another quesion. Gulf laughed at him. Whats with him today? But may be it was natural for parents to be curious.

"Yes exactly. But yeah if we take a healthy diet. Like you take care of me. Juices, fruits, milk, that helps body to produce more milk and gives energy". He explained and this time Mew was just nodding his head as in appreciating himself that he was doing good for Gulf and girls.

Gulf stood up to take care of the things Mew bought when Mew held his hand.

"What if i am hungry"? Mew looked at him but Gulf didnt understand.

"I will make lunch. Fiftee....".

"Talking about taking milk". Mew wiggled his eyebrows in tease. Gulf tried to get the meaning and then his eyes open wide..

"Hoyii Phi.. You tease. Its for girls. Not for their daddy. Shoo shooo". He playfully smacked Mew's hands who was coming close as to open his shirt.

The lounge echoed with laughter and chuckles as both men were running around. One trying to hide and one trying to catch.


"Gulf. Win. I have to talk to you guys". Mew said as he helped washing dishes with Win.

Gulf turned to see him in serious expressions.

"What is it Phi? Everything okay"? Gulf was getting nervous. Mew held his hands in assurance that everything was okay.

"Yeah. Come.". He took them both to the lounge. "I know you both dont know anything about me. And it might have crossed your mind that who i am? What do i do and all this. I will answer all the questions when the times comes. But for now, i have made a decision". He told in his wame tone. Win was looking at him with confused eyes but Gulf was feeling uneasy inside.

"Phi. You.. You are not going to leave us right? Phi we have only you Phi. Dont leave us". Gulf licked his dry lips trying to gulp down the tears. Mew turned to him surprised. But then he got the fear in Gulf's words.

"Oh no. No not at all. Where did it come from? I cannot imagine my life without you and the girls Gulf. I will never leave you guys as long as i am alive. Come here". He hug them both making them calm.

"What i wanted to say is, we have to pack our bags, we are moving to Chiang Mai. This weekend. So pack only necessary things. Clothes and basic items. Make sure to get everything for girls and rest we can purchase there". He told them.

"But why phi? What happened"? Gulf asked him. Mew was quiet for a moment.

"Ummm can we not talk about it. Just lets say this place is giving me a headache. Worst memories. So i want to start a living there. A new beginning. A new home for our girls to grow up without any fear. What say"? Mew said.

Though Gulf was not satisfied but for now he sealed his lips. He trusted Mew. He wont hurt him or his girls anyway. Everything else could wait.

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