I was confident that he would remain sane for me. I was confident that he would move mountains for me. I was confident that he was capable of prevailing.

We could've fought this together.

Thierno entered the bedroom with a solemn expression and his curly obsidian hair was damp. "How are you feeling?" He asked with caution.

"I'm feeling okay," I nod my head at my handsome mate who offered a grin and I couldn't help but smile back. "Everyone should be arriving soon." I gently pat my huge belly. "I know I look like a hot air balloon."

Thierno shook his head; curly hair bouncing in the movement. "You look wonderful."

"You're just saying that," I uttered.

"Mercy is already here but he's setting up everything in preparation for your surgery. You'll be put under anesthesia so you won't feel any pain," Thierno informed me.

"I'm glad because I don't think I could do it while feeling the pain," I admit. I didn't have a high pain tolerance and I wanted to make that known. "My breast feel so lumpy."

"It's because you're ready to feed your baby," he chuckled and held his hand out for me to exit the bed without struggle. I mumbled a soft 'thank you' before standing on my tippy toes to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Have you heard anything?"

"Not yet," the playfulness in his eyes disappeared as soon as it came. "I've even visited the Moon Kingdom. No one would tell me anything."

"Well, thank you for at least trying." I frowned, looking down as I tried to keep myself from crying again. I was under extreme stress and it wasn't healthy for the baby. Which is the main reason why I wanted to go ahead and give birth.

Thierno reached down and grabbed my hand. "You won't be alone, little mate." He assured with a small smile.

"I'm hurting," I softly said as I placed his hand on my swollen belly. "I sometimes feel like I'll wake up and this will all just be a dream."

"I hope not. I'd prefer to live in reality with you," he expressed then led me out of the bedroom that reeked of Tiberias' scent, leaving me whimpering and wanting more.

Mercy was currently running in and out of a room while holding equipment. Our relationship was not very great but I forgave him for the betrayal since he's offering to help me during labor. His hair was pinned up, swaying back and forth as he ran through the mansion.

I giggled, enjoying the sight while Thierno glared at the virtue. Mercy stops in his tracks and turns towards us, "Lord Vixen, it is tradition that all of the virtues are present during the birth of the next heir to the Moon Kingdom."

"Uhh, okay? Are they coming soon?" I ask but I was wondering why he referred to me as 'lord' when he has never done that before.

"Yes," Mercy nods while looking everywhere frantically. "I need to find the necessary tools and I'll be prepared and ready."

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked the virtue who had a look of confusion on his doll face. "Proceeding with the surgery, I mean."

He tucks a strand of his hair behind his ear before nodding, "Yes. You're past due so I can only assume it is because you're under extreme stress. Which is perfectly normal. It is a blessing that you've made it this far without going into a miscarriage since that is common for omegas." He smiles, "Your baby is a fighter."

I smiled at that comment because I was really praying that my baby would come out healthy and strong. The fact of the matter is that I will always love him and cherish him and I will show him that there's more to life than being afraid.

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