Chapter 6

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~Jeff pov~

Stupid Walking Dead. Stupid Facelessbook. Stupid dog. How can my own dog not defend me?! That son of a bitch can literally talk!!! How angry!!!

I kick my own door to take my anger out on something. What the fuck, it's locked from the outside. All I do is have fun and I end up in detention. Bunch of killjoy. I'll have to stay locked between these four walls without being able to kill or walk Smile. Well, at least it's my room, I can do whatever I want to entertain myself.

I walk still frustrated to my wardrobe, opening it and staring inside as I search for my baby. Wait. Where is she?! Come on, I don't have that many clothes to be able to hide something that big!!! Suddenly, my gaze is drawn to a little ball on a piece of paper. I catch them suspiciously, why is Smile's little ball here? This is not where I usually keep it....

Forgetting that part, I take a better look at the little paper and follow the direction of each letter with my gaze. "Sorry Jeffy, but Slenderman said 'No guitar. Have fun at detention! - With love, Smile and Nina :3"

My baby... They took my precious baby! "YOU LITTLE PIECES OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!," I yell kicking the door again, but the only response I get is a few giggles followed by the sound of scurrying feet and paws scurrying away from my room. I officially hate them now.

~Nina pov~

"Ohohoh man! Sometimes it's really nice to be a four-legged being."

I laughed at Smile's comment, he really was lucky he didn't end up in detention with Lord Snow White. He really is an idiot sometimes, if he wanted to mess with the rookie's head so badly he should have at least thought of a way not to disturb everyone else's sleep. Oh, right, he doesn't think.

I walk with Smile to the living room, wanting to relax a little after the mini race. God, he must be completely mad right now, hahaha!

Suddenly my gaze is drawn to a blue and brown blur and, looking closer, I see... The new girl! Oh my God, even all fucked up she looks adorable in that dress of mine. I have to commend her! And maybe even apologize for my old crush's behavior.... Better hurry up!

As I quickly approach her, I jump on the couch, getting between her and Ben, but I am met by an elbow from the elf and a squeal from the corpse, who clings to Splendor for her life.

"Oh. Hi Nina!"

"Hi Splendy!", moving a little closer to the girl, I squeeze my own cheeks, trying to hold back the urge to smash and squirm her, "You look adorable in that dress, it suits you so much!!!"

Watching her closely, I notice her glance nervously at something or someone behind me. I dare Ben to sigh and feel him put his hand on my shoulder, trying to pull me away from her a little, saying shortly after in a strange language, "Ela disse que ficas fofa com esse vestido((She said you look cute in that dress.)) And Nina, you're scaring her."

I don't care what he said, seeing the new girl look away seemingly shyly made me even more inclined to break her thin neck. Okay, calm down Nina, it's just a corpse wearing one of your dresses, no big deal.

Stepping back a little to give the newbie some breathing room, I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and ask for her number. Again she looks at Ben and he translates what I said, I guess, then I watch her open her mouth to say something, but brake out of nowhere. Hm... Did she forget her own number? Bah, just when I wanted to send her some kitty memes. Aff, my new friend will not give me her number...

When I least expect it I see her going into despair and exchanging a few words and phrases with Ben. Again that foreign language. What is that? French? Latin? Again Ben puts his hand on my shoulder and announces, "She doesn't know where her cell phone is."

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