Chapter 2

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While the girl was being interrogated and examined, lunch time was approaching. The proxies finally finished cleaning up that huge place and were now trying to decide who would be in charge of lunch, who would be in charge of the laundry, and who would be in charge of the paperwork that Slender had handed them.

"And why can't I make lunch?""Toby, I told you, I don't trust you to handle it, you literally only know how to make breakfast food," says Masky already getting irritated by that conversation. It was the fifth time he had asked that! "Well, then let me do the paperwork," Toby suggests for the fifth time in a row, also starting to get irritated by that. He just wanted to do one task, any task, to get it over with.

Hoodie just watches them, not wanting to get involved, after all, he already had a task set.

Honestly, he just hadn't left yet to make sure that those two angry dogs didn't kill each other.

Masky huffs, trying to remain calm as he puts his cards back on the table, "I'm already in charge of that! And you barely know how to use a calculator!". Toby's tics get a little more frequent, the anger leaving his nervous system almost at a thousand. "T-THEN LET ME COOK-"

"I'll cook...," interrupts a man with claws and a blue mask suddenly.

The three men look at him, surprised by the offer. It is rare for non-proxies to offer to help. Hoodie looks at everyone, before grabbing Toby by the arm and dragging him into the laundry room to help him, of course, after thanking the blue masked man.

Masky sighs, relieved not to have to continue that stupid argument, "Thanks, EJ."The blue masked man, EJ, just shrugs his shoulders, saying that he was getting tired of hearing the same arguments and questions from them constantly, that it was ridiculous, before making his way to the kitchen, not letting Masky say anything.

"Ben, Nina, set the table, lunch will be a piece of cake." , says EJ as he passes through the room, leaving Ben frustrated while Nina, the girl in the purple hoodie, didn't seem to care much.

"Can I help?" asks Sally, putting the game on pause before looking at EJ hopefully. EJ thinks for a moment, trying to decide what she could do and if it would be safe for her, "Hmmm... I don't see why not, can you pass me the ingredients and-". Before he can finish, Sally jumps off the couch in delight and runs up the stairs, straight to her room, leaving the other three confused.

Bouncing into her room, Sally happily makes her way to her bed, waking her teddy bear. "Come on, Charlie! Let's cook!"

Obviously, being just a toy, Charlie doesn't respond, but that doesn't bother Sally, who pulls him out from under the covers anyway. Going straight to a toy chest, Sally opens it and starts looking through her toy cooking kit, hoping to find at least a chef's hat or something. Rummaging around a bit in that toy pile, the little girl finds two aprons, perfect for her, but not for her teddy bear. They were too big for him.

Wearing one of the well-decorated aprons, she puts the other one away and looks for some apron doll. Finding an old Nenuco with its face all scribbled on, badly painted "nails" and one eye missing, Sally examines it a bit, and fortunately, this one had a little apron. And in good condition!

Taking it off Nenuco and placing it on Charlie, Sally smiles and puts the old "baby" in the trunk and runs to the door, stopping and looking at that miserable piece of plastic for a moment."I promise I'll give it back.... NEVER!"

Laughing like the child she is, she runs out of there, leaving behind the poor plastic baby, sad, shedding a single tear from it's wretched face.

Entering the kitchen like a rocket, Sally shouts, "I'm back!", startling a little EJ who was reading a thick cookbook. "Good... But you do know there were aprons in the pantry, right?", the man genuinely questions, still not understanding why so much trouble going up and down stairs for a kitchen garment.

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