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Ah, the night. A set of hours where we can rest in peace. Quiet hours that pass by quickly. It's nothing like the day, hectic, warm, sometimes stressful... safe...

No matter the place, the darkness and silence of the night brings a feeling of mystery, anxiety, paranoia... Especially if we're still awake... no wonder our species is afraid of the dark, after all, nobody knows what's lurking in it.

Somewhere in a sleeping forest, the feet of a mysterious, red-haired woman crush dry leaves and small pebbles and twigs, leaving bloody footprints until the liquid dries on her shoes, following a reddish trail out of the rows of trees and bushes to a car, getting into it and then driving it to who knows where.

How sad. Another event that the night promised not to tell.


Well, if it isn't the cops, someone has to find out what tonight's secret is, right, dear reader?

Dear victim, I hope you will be remembered.

In the place where the redheaded woman kept her dark secret, was the body of a girl with some similar features to her. Poor bloody girl. The teenager's body was mutilated in a monstrous way, as if that woman had simply turned into a rabid animal and ripped off several pieces of skin and flesh from the poor soul. Huge chunks. On the right, it was possible to see the bones of the leg, ribs and part of the face, and on the left, those of the waist and arm.

How did this happen? Why did it happen?

Suddenly, the dead body opens her one eye, which wanders a bit in the landscape, as if trying to understand it and/or adjust to the darkness. Curious, an undead. Demonstrating feeling an obvious intense pain and confusion, she sits up with difficulty, trembling as if she didn't have enough strength for it. Her dead brown gaze stares wearily at her legs for a while, processing everything until that same gaze turns into a completely frightened one. Examining the state of her body, the girl looks around, trembling and hyperventilating.

"O... O que aconteceu comigo? Onde estou?!" ((W... what happened to me? Where am I?!)) she cried out whispering to herself, before, knowing she needed help and fast, she stood up and, trying to ignore the pain, limped as fast as she could to where she thought might be the exit from that place, that scary place, place where many secrets like her are hidden and forgotten forever.

Her heart was beating fast, beating hard, making her weaker and more tired with each second. Her heart was killing her, her blood was leaking from her wounds more than when she woke up. Her fear gave the false impression that her cold body would become warm in little by little... Her legs were shaky and tired, maybe even heavy, forcing her to lean on nearby trees and take short breaks for a few seconds. She needed help and she needed it now.

Her desperate walk to the exit seemed endless, maybe it really was, and that frightened her. What if she chose the wrong way? What if she was going in circles? She didn't know, and it made her nervous.

At one point she spots some human silhouettes that seem to be passing by, and like anyone else in desperation, she tries to limp a little faster and shouts, "Ajuda! Por favor! Isto dói! Ajudem-me!" ((Help! Please! This hurts! Help me!"))

Oh, poor soul. Humans don't like zombies, not in real life.

As soon as she is seen by the two people, they are filled with a strange determination, take thick branches and stones, and then run towards her.

For the first few seconds, she doesn't understand the danger she is in until one of them throws a rock that almost misses her. Now the adrenaline was intense, fear was at its peak, and the survival instinct was greater than anything. She quickly starts to run in another direction, running faster than she had ever run before, zigzagging every 5-10 trees, trying to lose those who, instead of helping her, were trying to kill her. To her misfortune, they were quite fast and there were few times when the distance between them was more than a meter or two.

Looking over her shoulder a few times to have a better chance of dodging the attackers' attacks, or to see if they were getting far or not, the girl ends up tripping over her own feet, but seeing that they were getting tired, she takes advantage of her fall and that opportunity to get up and change direction quickly.

A few long and torturous minutes later, she finds herself free of those people, she managed to lose them, but all that adrenaline, all that running, made her lose large amounts of blood, so just when she thinks she can rest a little, the dark night becomes even darker and her tired body falls hard to the ground.

What an unlucky night.

🩸☠️Corpse Life☠️🩸Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ