Chapter 5

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~Nurse Ann pov~

"I'm sorry, you want me to do what again?"

"I know it's a lot to ask for something that happened only once, but could you create some kind of medicine that kills any kind of worm without harming the human body? It could be injection, pill, anything." I asked X-Virus as calmly as possible. I know that what I was asking was absurd, but getting all those maggots, worms and fly eggs out of the rookie's body was a tremendous amount of work, I just wish that if something like this happened again, there was an easier way to deal with it. After all, as many say, better safe than sorry.

"You do realize that what you're asking me to do is going to take quite a bit of research time and wasted material until I find the right formula, don't you?", X-Virus questions calmly, but firmly.


"You also know that what you're asking me for could be a pure waste of time and patience should whatever happened not happen again, right?"

"YES I KNOW!", I shout accidentally letting out my stress and frustration, that girl has barely been here a few days and already she's more trouble than I expected. Seeing the neutrality of the boy in front of me, I take a deep breath, there's no point in getting like this, the new girl is only staying for a month anyway. "Look, I just want to have less work, okay? I'll pay you back later, I'll even give you double or triple the money if it's really a big waste and waste of time."Even though I could barely see his face because of the gas mask and goggles, I knew that proposal made him crack a big smile, "Heh, deal."

Meanwhile, in Slenderman's office.

"He said that perhaps hunger, lack of sleep and stress may have somehow caused his sudden decomposition," Ben translates Slender's words as Gabriela looks at him nervously and silently. From that speech, the girl was more certain than ever that she was fucked. How could she stay calm, have a good meal or a good sleep in an environment like that and with people like Jeff around? She had to adapt to this place as fast as possible if she wanted to live at least that month.

"Thinking about it... Now that we know you can decompose faster than a normal corpse and even in the 'wrong' time... Maybe there is a way to make that 'ability' useful.", Slenderman states in a calm and thoughtful tone while being stared at by the elf and the corpse, both showing different types of confusion and doubt. Gabriela being confused because she didn't understand much, and Ben being confused because.... How the hell were they going to make it useful? Besides, if it really is an ability, it is a self-destructive ability!

This time Ben didn't translate, he had to clear up a question or two first, "Excuse me sir, but how do you intend to make this 'ability' useful? We don't even know if she can return to normal or not, aren't you afraid that if she can stay for more than a month, you'll lose a member of the 'team'?"

Slenderman thinks for a moment, before letting out a brief, vague laugh, answering shortly thereafter. "Simple, we will train her to become partially 'immune' to the ability, or the pain caused by it. In other words, she will have to train resistance and control over the ability itself. Her unpleasant smell may be enough to keep possible threats away, no one likes the smell of death. Also, don't worry, if you notice, the minor wounds are starting to regenerate."

The elf is silent for a while, still confused, looking at the tall man, then at the girl, then at Slenderman again, and finally back at Gabriela. "Então... Ele disse que a sua habilidade pode ser útil para afugentar pessoas e que precisas treinar o teu fedor."(("So... He said that your ability might be useful for keeping people away, and that you need to train your stink."))

Hearing that the girl looks at him with a single shrugged eyebrow and pressed lips, as if she has just heard the biggest nonsense of her entire life.... Which was no lie, it was really shocking nonsense. Ben knew how she felt, even he was shocked, but since neither of them could do anything about it he just shrugged his shoulders.

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