Chapter 1

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"With all due respect, sir, but why did you bring that girl here?" questioned a man with a mask of feminine features, standing facing, with his hands behind his back and an upright posture, to an absurdly tall and faceless humanoid creature, who sat at a desk, in a posture of authority.

"Well, you see, humans don't last long when they bleed, especially when they are seriously injured.", the humanoid says, fiddling with some papers that contained maps of all the forests in the world, with some circles in red and some information of their biosystem before continuing, "Logically, such a weak species would die in a few seconds with injuries like hers, and even faster if they tried to run... When I found her she was still breathing, which indicates that if she was human, she is no longer." As he finishes, the faceless being directs it in the direction of the masked man, as if trying to see if he was still listening to him.

The man thinks for a moment, formulating a response before saying, "So... Will you make her one of us, sir?"

The tall creature looks at the papers again for a moment, gathering them up and arranging them in a corner of the desk before looking at the man again and replying, "Perhaps... When she wakes up, she'll likely be scared and confused, so I'll wait a month at most to see if she has any potential. If she can be useful in any way. If not, I will make sure she doesn't have the slightest chance of being a problem for us."

The man nods, showing that he understood what he was getting at and already knowing that he would probably be in charge of seeing what use the girl would be when the faceless man was away or busy. But before he could question to be sure if he would be given this position or not, the creature simply reminds him that he would have a lot of work the next day and suggests he go rest.

The man sighs, wishes the creature good night, and leaves the office, making sure to close the door quietly.

"Well?" a male voice asks in a whisper, startling the masked man for a second. Looking to the side, he sees a man in a yellow hoodie and wearing a ski mask with a red tick on it. Sighing to calm himself, the former replies, "Get ready to clean up one more person's shit for a month... or forever." After that, he starts walking to his shared room, being followed by the other.

"Uhgr! It's always us dealing with this kind of thing. Why don't the others help?", grumbles the hooded guy, removing his ski mask and scratching his shabby beard trying to cash his frustration in on something. Feeling the same frustration, the other man scratches his hair, so hard that he flays some of his scalp, replying after he stops and begins to clean the blood and skin off his fingernails, "They don't have to like us Hoodie, that's why they don't help."

After that, an intense silence settles between the two, who simply walk to those two square meters they call their 'room', only stopping for mere seconds as they pass the infirmary, staring at its door with some hatred, the two wish "I hope it only lasts a month."

The next morning, the man now known as Hoddie wakes up to the smell of tobacco and coffee and immediately looks to the window and, seeing that his colleague was not there, rolls his eyes and kicks the top bunk bed a few times, "Masky, open the window at least. The boss will be angry!"

Masky just shrugs his shoulders, saying with little concern, "You're closer, you open it.", obviously, with such a response, Hoodie gets a little irritated, but since he didn't want to fight first thing in the morning, he just sighs, gets up and opens the window, looking through it for a second, he realizes that he wasn't worth going back to bed anymore for various reasons, so he mumbles something incoherent and picks up his clothes from the chair beside the bunk. While getting dressed, Masky suddenly says in a very quiet tone, "I made coffee for you too, I think you better drink it before it gets cold.", which makes him grateful that he doesn't have to start the day dying of sleep.

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