💚Flowers | Casey x M!Reader💚

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{Requester - Me!}

💚|Casey x M!Reader|💚

Y/N was grabbing Casey's hand through the streets of new york, not a care in the world for himself. All he could think about were he was going to take Casey. Them stepping on the cans or papers that littered the sidewalks, passing through groups of people and others running past. Casey didn't know a single thing going on just wanting this crazy 'ride' to end.

Casey closed his eyes for a bit to regain himself, now running side by side with Y/N that was now looking back at him. He gave him a small smile as he turned back forward. He couldn't help but blush, he loved Y/N a lot and just doing that made him know that this boy was perfect for him.

He couldn't remember the last time he was as happy as this, it had been a while since he was sent back in time. He didn't remember much of his early childhood, he only members everyone getting hurt. But he couldn't think of that, plus they just arrived at the spot. It was a flower field covered in both yours and Casey's F/F he was in awe of it all. As he looked at you will pure happiness in your eyes as he pulled him through it all.

He took one of his hands and ran it through the flowers as the scent of them filled the air, it wasn't too overpowering so he enjoyed the moment. As you did the same garbing a few flowers in your hand as you pull both of you to the ground. Laughter filled the air around you as you both let out sighs of happiness, you took the followers you had and got up a bit. He raise a brow in question as you placed the flowers throughout his hair.

"They're pretty and they needed to be in your hair. Because you're the prettiest thing I know."

His face was covered in red and he thought he would die right then and there. You moved his hands from his face and kiss him. As you pulled away you would lie next to him just enjoying both of you next to each other.


Words - 420

A/N - Just felt like writing this lol, I'm doing my exams as we speak so I need something to keep myself calm, anyways I'll defo try and post some more stories today.

"☕️Till Next Time!🍡"

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