💜💙Forest | Leo x M!Reader x Donnie💙💜

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{Requester - Annon!}

💜💙|Leo x M!Reader x Donnie|💙💜

There was nothing much happening in class there were only a few minutes until school was out, you could only lean back in your chair as you stared at the ceiling. The teacher has said you all could do whatever, as long as it wasn't 'too crazy'.


You felt the vibration in your pocket that held your phone, quickly grabbing it out of said pocket.

Blue Man💙: Sent one image

Blue Man💙: Sent a message

'Blue Man, Leo himself. Why would he be texting you right now?'

You quickly opened the phone to see what 'Blue Man' sent you. It was a photo of a tree lining him and Donnie taking a photo in front of it. Looking down you could see the shot message.

Y/N Come down to this sick tree line, please my love!!

'Sick? Nothing looks different from this one and many others


The bell rang as many students placed stuff back in their bags, a few already ready to leave as everyone walked out. You were one of the few not to get traping in the wave of students that would form if you were left behind. Once you got out you took a breath of fresh air, or as fresh as new york could get. Quickly looking back at the photo you knew her is was taken heading there as you put your phone away.

You made it to the spot but didn't see the two Trutles anywhere, 'maybe they went into the forest or walked back home?' You could hear a bit of metal crashing with the ground, turning your head to see where and what it was. It was Sheldon... As he walked up to you in a little tux as he fixed the tie a bit.

"The amazing, great, sweet, beloved, and loving, boyfriend of the also amazing, great, sweet, beloved, and loving Donatello, But basic Leo. Have requested you to follow me Y/.N"

"O-Oh alright."

As he turned back around and walked back into the forest, you followed not far behind. As the trees were high and covered most of the sunlight that bleed through the open spaces from the leaves and other trees. You soon tapped on Sheldon as he "Hmm" in response.

"Where are we going?"

"Donnie and Leo have told me not to tell you, but we are close!"


The both of you kept walking for a little bit more, as he stop and faced you.

"We have made it."

"But- This is a tree..."

As soon as that was said Shelldon got closer to you.

"Get on me."

"Alright, Shelldon"

As soon as you sat down, we hovered up into the air, higher, and higher, and higher. As he made it to a platform in the tree. You could see the two twins waving to you, both in suits of their respective colors.


The both of them yelled as they hugged you as soon as you landed on the platform.

"Haha, it looks like the two of you were busy."

As you kissed both of their foreheads, the two of them peppering you with kisses, something still didn't click the suits and why you were all In a tree. As if both of them could read your mind as grabbed each of your hands behind a few leaves the tree formed. It was a table a candle-lit one, you were so busy with school and everything that you didn't remember the last time you all went on a date.

They pulled out a seat for you as you sat down, the three of you just enjoyed the moment as the day would past by. All of you in a tree, this was the last thing you would expect to happen today.


Words - 683

A/N - Wanted to get something out for you guys, I hope you guys like it. I have 3 others in the works so I hope to get those out too!!

"☕️Till Next Time!🍡"

★ Male Character(s) x Male!Reader ♥︎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें