🤍Different | All Turtles x M!Reader🤍

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{Requester - mgmendez2305!}
🤍All Turtles x M!Reader🤍

💙Question | Leo💙

He sat in his bed lying down just getting back from a patrol, he was alone with his thoughts. He couldn't get Y/N out of his head he wish he could stop but a mission that was impossible, he quickly sat up with sweaty hands.

'Why do I feel like this? Y/N is a guy, a sweet one at best. But thinking of him like this?!'

He face flushed thinking more about you, he covering his face in his hands.

'I'm straight, I know I am. I like women I have to like them. Right?'

He got up from his bead heading to the only brother he knew that could help him. Raph. He didn't want to ask his dumb twin Donnie about this, he would bully him until he died. He ran into the males room shaking him back and forth.

"Leo, can you stop shaking me."

He stopped as Raph tapped the empty area on his bed. Of course he sat down next to him.

"You always do this when you have a problem Leo. What's up."


"Huh? What you say?"


He said the 2nd half a bit louder, noticing his younger brother messing with his hands. What could have Y/N done Raph was worried until his brother spoke again.

"It's not bad or anything but. Y/N makes me feel different."

Leo touched his plastron his heart beating a bit more, think about all the times he saw Y/N. Lord he could stop himself think about the way Y/N would hold and help Leo and even when he talked with the male his heart would almost jump out of his chest.

"How come?"

"It's Werid, you know how men like women. Like when they 'Love' each other?"


"Is it Werid to feel that with a guy? Like 2 guys liking each other?"


Leo went blank at the simple response, he felt stupid. How didn't he know this he sighed his red face, he felt so much release from finally find this out. 'But still how, and why did he feel like this.'

"So I'm not crazy for liking Y/N?"

"Ha, of course not! You like who you like, you can't change that. Anyways go talk him before you regret it!"

Raph pushed his brother out of the room, Leo heading to the projector room. There he was the male that confused him for such a long time. Leo gulped and head deeper into the dark area, the only light being from the phone yiu where holding and the movie playing. Leo Sat next to you but a second later become very stiff.

"Hey Le-"

"Do you have a girlfriend!"


He didn't know why he did that, he felt so dumb for doing it.

"Uh, no I don't have one. But I think you should say 'boyfriend' next time."

"You like guys, isn't that wrong?"

"To like a guy? You might get people who say it's wrong but it's not bad. If you feel like that with someone don't bottle up your feelings."

'Feelings. This feeling. He knew what he was now. He just realized it, he was gay. In love with his guy best friend Y/N.' He smiled to himself, turned to face Y/N tapped his shoulder as he got close to the male.

★ Male Character(s) x Male!Reader ♥︎Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum