🧡Cooking Lesson | Mikey x M!Reader🧡

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{Requester - Me!}

🧡|Mikey x M!Reader|🧡

Y/N was sitting on the counter drinking tea from his cup, Mikey soon walked in placing a few art supplies on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"What are you doing sunshine?"

As Mikey looks at you placing his hands on your legs.

"Nothing~ I was gonna start cooking if you want to-"

You cut him off by placing your hand over his mouth

"Of course, I would!"

You then picked him up a bit kissing his temple, placing him back down. He soon dashes off to gran random ingredients from the cabinets about placing them in beside you.

"What are we cooking today chef?"

As he clapped his hands together and a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Hmmm, I think you know what we going to make!"


Your both scream at the same time, he begins to start to knead and mix the dough after a bit placing it to the side to let it rest. You finished chopping up a few things you both had about 15 mins before anything else could be done. He walks back over to the supplies you placed down earlier beginning to draw a bit. You walk over to him as he draws away admiration for his talents, you wrap your hands around his neck as you rest your head on top of his. A blush formed on his green smiling face, you closed your eyes not really seeing what the box turtle was doing. The timer dings as both of you walk about to your station.

The two of you start working again placing the sauce, cheese, and toppings on top of the dough. Mikey slides it into the nearby oven rubbing his hands together, you stand next to him wrapping your arm around his lower waist.

"Come on Sunshine we have to wait about 20 more minutes, let's go back to you-"

He soon picked you up bridesmaid style, smiling at your blushing face.

"Ha! I already know what you were thinking baby!"

As he runs back to his drawing spot, he places you back down back to the table. He sits in your lap as he draws behind you, you're rubbing your hands over the other male's back. You could see his face from it being on your shoulder, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

"Ah, I told you not to do that!"

Saying it behind his hands a bit muffled he's face even redder than tomato sauce. He looked back at his boyfriend through his hands kissing his cheek and going back to drawing, soon a ding was heard the pizza was finally done. Y/N got up to get it as Mikey sat there still drawing, he placed the pizza on a pizza stone on the table grabbing a few plates for Mikey, You, and his brothers. As you placed the plates down you saw Mikey smiling with the paper behind him, you raised an eyebrow at him as he walked up to you.

"Here ya go! I love you so much Y/N!"

It was an amazing drawing of you and Mikey the two of you holding hands with hearts surrounding you and him. You smiled and held the paper close to your chest, you grabbed his hands rubbing them with your thumbs as you kissed his forehead again.

"I love it, Mikey."

He smiled even wider than he did before, before hugging you close and picking you a bit off the ground. The two of you ate your meal before heading to his room for the night, this would be another day Mikey would never forget.


Words - 675

A/N - Ahhh I'm glad I was able to write this little ball of sunshine, I hope you guys like this part. I will be making a LMK (Lego Monike Kid) X Male Reader Book Today or as soon as I can, I love all of you guys!!

"☕️Till Next Time!🍡"

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