You Cheated (YangYang)

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a/n: swearing and slight smut included in the flashback

"One of you has to start" Dr. Jung, YangYang and I's marriage counselor, said, breaking the awkward silence. Me and YangYang had recently started marriage counseling. It was going well in the sense that we were making progress in the first two sessions but bad in the fact that we were opening old wounds we didn't realize weren't fully healed. After our last session, we had been pretty distant from one another. Not talking unless it was about something household-related. Not cooking or eating together like we used to and not sleeping in the same bed, some nights not even the same house.

Yang and I were rarely home at the same time anymore. I worked an 8-5 office job, meaning I was normally out of the door before 7:30. I could tell when he had come home, in true him fashion he'd always left something out of place. I used to find that cute before this, a little annoying, but cute overall. Now it's straight annoying as hell.

"So you're doing the opposite of what I suggested?" Dr. Jung asked, writing stuff down on her notepad.

"Not on purpose" YangYang defended. "It's just hard to be around each other, alone".

"Try a double date with friends? A group date with multiple friends even?" she asked. YangYang and I looked at each other then away.

"Why do you two even do this?".

"To see if this is worth salvaging before divorce" slipped out of my mouth. I looked up in shock to see YangYang staring at me and Dr. Jung writing on her notepad even more.

"Have you thought about it?" YangYang asked. Was he fr shocked? With the way our relationship was going. With the way, therapy was barely helping.

"You haven't?" I retorted.

"You don't think therapy is helping? You haven't gotten ANY clarity?". He looked at me in disbelief.

"Clarity in why we should get a divorce, maybe".

Dr. Jung looked at me. "Why do you say that?".

"Because this is so easy for her. She's already checked out. She's BEEN checked out." Yang said.

"I'M the one that's checked out!? You're the one that's only home 2, or 3 days of the week. Fuck do you mean I'm checked out? How can I check in with you when you make sure I'm not home before deciding to come back?".

"Why do you do that?" Dr. Jung asked him.

"Because he's calculated. He's always been a calculated sneak" I spat.

"Y/'re gonna have to stop while you're ahead," he said.

"Or what? You gonna divorce me?" I challenged. YangYang just rolled his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek. He always did that whenever he was trying to contain his composure.

I shook my head. "This is ridiculous".

"Y/n" Dr. Jung started, "have you thought about divorce?". I sat there, quiet. I held my breath hoping I'd pass out before I could answer the question. I was starting to feel hot and sweaty. If this is what the start of a 'breakthrough' felt like, I wanted nothing of it.

"Of course she has" YangYang answered for me.

"You're such a damn know it all."

"Then answer the question, Y/n. Have you thought about divorce? Yes or no?".

"Why the hell are you acting like wanting a divorce is so easy for me? Like I'm not trying?".

"Because" YangYang stood up "you cheated, Y/n! You fucking cheated!" his voice cracked the second time. I was frozen. My heart sank to my ass hearing those words come out of his mouth. How did he know?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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