It's Always Been You (Johnny)

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a/n: In this story you're 30 years old

I checked the last window in my house to make sure it was locked, finally finished. I clenched my taser and quickly shuffled around, making sure all my cameras were recording properly with no blindspots, everything was clear, nothing out of place. Though I knew I wouldn't be totally at peace while I (attempted) to sleep, I now had a slightly better state of mind. You're probably wondering why I'm freaking out and trying to be so secure about my safety. It was because of.....him. My ex best friend, Johnny.

It had been 3 years since he and I had stopped speaking well, kind of. The pin that popped the ballon known as our friendship was when I came to Johnny seeking sanction after yet other shitty guy did me dirty.

                                                                              Flashback 4 Years Ago

"Why does this keep happening to me, Johnny? I try my hardest to be understanding, loving, caring and yet I always wind up getting done dirty" I complained to my friend.

"Maybe the person you're suppose to be with is the one right in front of you." He said pulling me a little closer.

I groaned with slight annoyance. "You said that about the guy from the library and the guy we saw at the taco stand and one of the trainees." Johnny got up, leaving me to fall where he was sitting. He ran his hands through his hair over and over while pacing through his living room.

"What?" I questioned.

"Ugh, how can you be so idiotic, Y/n?".

"I'm idiotic but you didn't notice the girl at the winery who was all over you? Boy if you don't get on." I laughed.

Johnny started to get obviously agitated. "Y/n I'm being serious. You have the shittest taste in people and always complain when they break your heart. I'm always here for you and have been since day one but you never see that".

"What the hell are you going on about, Suh?" I stood up looking at him trying to read his face.

He face palmed himself "y/n I love you but more than a friend type way. It hurts me to see you getting hurt, I would never hurt you and always love you. Seeing all these people use you for their gain and then leave you like nothing, makes me want to blow. I've been right here this whole time but you act like I'm invisible." he confessed.

I could tell he had been holding in these thoughts for a while now and it hurt that A) I didn't see it for myself and B) he felt the need to keep this all pent up for so long. Regardless of how he felt I love Johnny just not in the way he loves me, he was an amazing friend and I want nothing more than that. Our friendship was perfect and, as cliche as it sounds, I didn't want to risk that.

We stood in silence, I didn't know what to say or do next.

"Johnny, you know I care about you. You're like a bro-"

"Oh bullshit, y/n. I fucking love you. I confessed my feelings for you and you're going to hit with a bullshit "gentle let down"?" he shouted, cutting me off.

"Johnny I just value our friendship too much to-". Johnny stepping closer and grabbed me by my shoulders tightly, shaking me.

"Y/n I fucking love you. You complain about how you'll never find the right one to settle down with but I'm right here".

"Johnny you're hurting me" I strain trying to move his hands, his grip was too tight.

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