Update 😓 (March&April and so on)

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March Update

Hello everyone. I just want to do a quick update. I'm not really sure how many people are anticipating the next update for this story but I want to update.

Basically what's been keeping me is that I fell ill for about a week. I had migraines so intense that it was bothering the vision in my left eye. Bright lights and loud noises were also causing the migraines to be even worse which made being on my laptop and phone impossible.

The week after my migraine calmed down my period winded up coming on. (Kind of tmi but) I have a heavy flow and this time I was losing so much blood that I fainted a couple of times. With all of that in mind I've just been trying to take it easy this past week and I'm starting to feel better and like my old self. 

I am also working on 4 different imagines at the moment so that's exciting. I'm happy to be feeling better once again and to be producing work that others love (I hope lol).

I want to try putting out 1-2 chapters a week. I think that's a reasonable amount where I can focus on my offline life while still putting out.

April Update

Well I thought I would've already put this update up but I typed it and never opened wattpad again lol. The first half is an update from the month of March and this half is just a little update from April.

So I fell sick, once again, in April. Not only did I fall sick for the second time (for a different reason) but I also had a very heavy period flow again which means the fainting happened, again.

I was feeling better and took some happy healing time for myself before another funk hit me. Though I'm still not out of that funk I realized writing makes me feel happy so I'm going to try do it more often, just at my own pace.

Thank you to all my new readers and for all the love on my work. It really does mean a lot to me that others are loving the work I put out, its very motivating.

Right now fulfilling  requests is my top priority and after those are posted I'll continue working on the others I started. 

Thank you to everyone for being patient with me. I will have a chapter update soon. 

Welp....(May and June update🥲🙃😅)

So my "excuse" for not being active in the month of May and June is genuinely because time is getting away from me. For me days fr start to blend into one another. I thought we were still in June but it turns out it's now July 4th (as I'm typing this). As I was looking back on this book I cannot believe I started this at the end of January and it's now July, that's almost 6 months, majority of which are a blur to me lol.

Another reason I haven't been putting out is because I've been working on so many different chapters at once that it became overwhelming. I currently have about 5 unfinished parts to work on but I do have 1 filler chapter that's ready to go up and I'm almost done fulfilling one request, I just have to fix the typos and change a couple of things.

That's all for now. I may add more filler chapters so y'all will have new stuff to read while I work on requests and months old chapters. I'll post the first filler chapter in the morning, featuring Lee Jeno, since it's already late here xx.

Have a great morning/afternoon/night and thank you for being patient .💚 

Feel free to send in requests via the chapter in this book titled 'Request Page' or my DMs if you're shy.

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