Not Knowing What To Do (Jeno)

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"Hi this is Jeno. Please leave a message after the beep" Jeno's voicemail said for the 5th time in the past 2 hours. I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone, not bothering to leave yet another voice message.

My boyfriend Jeno and I were suppose to be going out for an "apology date" as he called it. He was being distant and flaky lately, when I called him out on it he apologized and said we'd go on a dinner date and to the clubs on Friday, which was today. Now here I was home and dressed up with nowhere to go. Though I didn't want to waste an outfit I was no longer in the mood to go out so I decided to get undress and have a nice spa at home, starting with a nice, hot, bubbly bath.

*After the Bath*

I had finished the rest of my skin and body care routine I went to my kitchen to pour some wine and put on music.

"Alexa, play "Just A Little Bit of Your Heart" by Ariana Grande" I called to the device as I grabbed the largest glass I had and filled it with wine.

I sat on my couch, sipping my wine and taking in the lyrics of the song. I don't know what had gotten into Jeno and when I tried to make a conversation he'd just get irritated and shut me down. I love him so much and wanted our relationship to work more than anything but at this point it took more than simply wanting it. I tried to be patient, open, loving, understanding but it just, seemingly, wasn't enough for Lee Jeno. It was also funny because Jeno was none of those things, if I showed any sign of being a human, showing feelings, wants, needs, desires, hopes or wishes he would find something negative about it. As result of not wanting to piss him off I just push my feelings aside and only focused on being a supportive partner to him but that's not okay. I should have a person that is caring, loving, understanding and supportive of me and my decisions and someone who wants to make memories with me. I'm a huge romantic and I love having pictures/videos to document events but Jeno wasn't into that. Whenever we were together it seemed he was counting down the seconds until we weren't and that hurt a lot.

At this point the song was long over and my cup was empty. I took that as my cue to go to bed and did just that. I put on my bonnet, laid in bed and went to sleep but not before recalling of all the other times Jeno showed lack of interest in myself and our relationship.


I was woken up by the sound of my alarm going off. I cleared my screen and had three text messages from Jeno.

Jeno: Hi, babe. Sorry about last night.

Jeno: Y/n, I will make it up to you.

Jeno: I'm truly sorry.

I looked blankly at my screen, not feeling any real emotion or warmth. I set my phone down and went to my bathroom to shower, brush my teeth and wash my face.

After all of that I made my daily cup of coffee and sat outside on my patio, enjoying the crisp, quiet Saturday morning. Basking in the morning silence was part of my routine but today it felt different. I couldn't enjoy it without thoughts from last night coming into my head.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my door bell ringing. When I looked out my peephole I didn't see anyone, I opened the door and was met with a food delivery and some flowers. I took it to my kitchen and looked through the bag, my regular breakfast order was there along with a note.

"Dear, Y/n, I'm so sorry for last night. I promise we will for real go out on the best date ever soon. I miss you a lot. I love you with all my heart." Signed, Jeno

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