I Promise (Jeno Pt 2.)

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Part 2 to "Not Knowing What To Do"

Jeno's POV

I was riding in the car on my way back to the dorm. I sat there thinking about what y/n knew and why she was acting this way. I knew the secret I was keeping from her and though I knew I had to tell her soon I was just too scared of what the outcome was going to be. I love y/n so much, I see my entire future with her but a moment of weakness ruined everything.

We pulled up to the building and I went straight to the dorm. I opened the door and was met with Jaemin, Chenle and Haechan consoling Jisung on the couch. They all turned to look at me, looks of anger on their face, all of them expect for Jisung who looked remorseful.

I put down my keys. "What's wrong?" I looked at Jisung.

"How fucking dare you?" Haechan spat at me.

"You're a fucking dog" Chenle said. He never cursed so I knew something was up.

"What did I-"

"Don't act dumb, Jeno. How could you not tells us that the baby isn't y/n's?" Jaemin chimed in.

"More importantly how could you fucking cheat on her?" Chenle added in. How did they know? I looked at Jisung who was looking down at the ground, his face turning red. She knew, he told her.

"You told her? How could you betray me like that? What the hell is wrong with you!?" I yelled, rushing in his direction. Haechan and Jaemin got in my way, pushing me away from him.

Jisung got up from the couch. "Hyung, this isn't my fault. Maybe if you would've one, kept your dick in your pants or two, didn't have a weak ass pull out game you wouldn't be in this situation" he said to me. I rushed in his direction again, trying to get past Haechan and Jaemin who were pushing me back. All the commotion caused Mark to come out of his room.

"What is going on?" he asked, looking around.

"He's trying to hit me all because he's a shitty boyfriend that can't fight temptations" Jisung yelled, pointing at me.

That comment sent me over the edge, I finally pushed through Jaemin and Haechan. I went to go hit Jisung when Mark got infront of me and pinned me up against the wall. I tried pushing him off of me but he put all his weight on me.

"Listen" Mark started in a low tone "I don't know what the fuck is going on but you have me fucked up if you think you're going to put your hands on Jisung".

'"He ruined everything" I yelled in Mark's face.

"He's not the one who cheated on y/n!!" Chenle yelled back at me.

Mark's eyes widened. "You cheated on y/n? How fucking dare you?" he grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me again the wall.

I knew Mark would be the most hurt. He's the one that introduced y/n and I to each other. She's like the sister he never had.

"Mark!" Haechan pulled him off of me.

Mark walked to the door. "I'm going to check on y/n and if she's done anything crazy, that's on your head." he said, looking me in my eye. I can't lie I was a little shook. I've never seen Mark that mad ever, not even when he and Haechan got into it a few summers ago.

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