I'll Drop a Bomb On You:

Start from the beginning

Black lips pouted cutely. "You burnt my mouth." That shit was painful. Wonder if I bite her now would it burn...

"You're not the first person who tried to eat my amorphous blob form. It's a defense mechanism," the slightly taller woman answered.

The blonde haired woman shrugged. "You looked liked jelly. It was worth a shot."

Jam laughed at her simplemindedness.

"Your jerky maker was the shit," Dive continued never one for long silences.

The Professor rolled her eyes. "It's a dehydrator."

"Details, details. Anyway, it's dinner time, you need to come to the gallery and eat before those pigs destroy the kitchen," Dive said, wrinkling her nose.

"I grew up with seven idiot baby brothers. I'm sure its fine. And I watched Killer eat yesterday. You gonna tell me someone is worse than him?" Jam snorted.

Dive giggled, "You're kinda funny. You should see him eat cake with frosting."

Cackling escaped the scientist, picturing the scene.

"Speaking of Killer, he told me you are good at slipping into bases and gathering information. I'm the ship's scout meaning the two of us will be working together a lot. Figured I should get to know you before we get assigned to a task."

Jam hummed thoughtfully. "Ok. Lead the way."

The Gallery and kitchen were on the same level as the deck. It was noisy until the two short ladies walked in. Most of the crew was assembled, already in the midst of chowing down. Dive, being the social butterfly she was, pushed the other woman forward.

It took all of Jam's willpower not to giggle at Killer, wearing a frilly white apron from his spot at the stove. Kid cleared his throat, drawing all eyes to himself. "You need to meet everyone properly. Roll call shitheads." One by one the crew stood and announced their names, some striking a pose even.

Jam nearly fainted from the sheer ridiculousness. These are battle hardened bloodthirsty pirates? They are so fucking goofy. Don't laugh. Oh god this is hard. Thank Davy Jones they can't see my face. I'm the science nerd but these people are dorks!

Dive pulled her along to sit next to herself and Reck. Soon a plate was pushed in front of her and chatter resumed. It was jarring. Dinner consisted of a heavy stew with nice big pieces of fresh bread on the side. As before, she removed her gloves and undid the collar of her coat. Had she been paying attention, she would have noticed the sly looks her crew sent her way. She took a bite, "It's wonderful."

Dive nodded in agreement, spooning some soup in her mouth. "Killer really knows his shit. His food is the absolute best." Dive went on to explain who was on the cooking crew and what they typically made. "Skillet made the bread. His desserts are phenomenal."

Jam hummed, thinking of all the yummy treats she could request from this Skillet. Need to make his acquaintance properly. Eating slowly and listening to Dive prattle on was nice. The pigtailed woman told her she would need to give the professor a tour of the ship afterwards so she knew where everything was. As soon as she finished eating, the smaller woman tugged the arm of her new namaka along, giving her a brief but animated overview of the ships layout.


Sleep never came easy to Jam who usually worked till she passed out. She had tried lying down but it just wasn't happening. This was just too new; working with people and not lying in wait to kill them. Sighing she got up, deciding to make progress on a detonator for that base. Pulling her tools out of the new cabinet she got to work diligently making the innards of the device. Turning her radio on low she bobbed her head while she worked.

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