I'll Drop a Bomb On You:

170 13 22

Kid took a slow calming deep breath, his actions catching the eyes of his crewmembers. They had a great day out and it wasn't like Professor Inator did anything wrong. Internally grumbling, he scoffed at the small woman, "You done with your other shit?"

Her eyes narrowed. What crawled up his ass and died? Still pissy about last night maybe?  "Yes. You done with the lab?" I hope this is worth it.

He motioned for her to follow, and jumped up to the ship. She grabbed her bags and was about to pick up her dehydrator when a pale blue hand stopped her. "I will get this. Follow after Master Kid, he moves fast," Heat muttered. She smiled, thanking him.

Large pounding footsteps descending into the bowels of the ship. Tiny soft steps scampered after. Finally the pair reached their destination, deep in the bowels of the Victoria Punk. Kid pushed open a large door and led his newest addition inside.

"Told you my design was better, woman," he grinned, his usual cocky demeanor making its presence known. She's quiet, absolutely astonished by my skills, he thought arrogantly.

Jam took it all in. She had an examination/torture table off to the side, a ceiling-reaching bookshelf covering the entire left wall, a large preparation area on the right wall with a sink, a vent hood, drawers galore,  and a storage closet full of shelves. 

It's beautiful. She jumped over and hugged the bewildered man, causing him to freeze up. "Pirates don't hug, you wack-ass weirdo!"

"Don't be such a baby. Its only a hug. And I thought pirates do whatever the hell the please," she mocked.

Kid grumbled, a large red blush covering his face. "Don't do it again."

Jam clicked her teeth, but was too excited to really care. "It's a lovely lab and yes your design was superior," she relented with a long-suffering sigh. I guess you do deserve some praise.

Kid smirked, pleased with himself. "I've got shit to do. You get situated today and then tomorrow talk with Quincy and Pomp, my medical team, to see what they need. Those two liked the healing balm you gave me and wanted to know what else you could make."

"I have plenty of medical based knowledge. I'll chat with them soon."

"We'll discuss builds and shit when I'm good and ready. Later," the tall redhead huffed, heading out.

When the large Captain had left, Jam waited a few minutes before shrieking happily. The next several hours were spent unpacking her things and setting up her lab. He even had cabinets for holding all my chemicals! She checked for listening devices or a camera, happy she found none. The aerosolized salt mixture was one of her favorite inventions.

By the end of it, she flopped down on her new bed and rolled about. I suppose I should reciprocate. I'm going to need to properly thank that giant loudmouth. He's going to be smug about it...or blush again like the delicate tulip he is. He's so fun to mess with.

Dashing up, she climbed up the stairs, making her way to the deck. The ships layout was straightforward, making it easy to navigate. True she only knew how to get to her room/lab and the deck but for now that was good enough.

There were tons of people milling about. It's so weird to have others around after so long. Well others that I'm not planning on killing. Blonde, bubbly pigtails invaded her vision as a woman shorter than herself halted her progress. "Hi, I'm Dive," an upbeat voice said.

Jam's eyes narrowed in remembrance. She's part Fishman, probably like an 1/8th or 1/16th most likely piranha by those chompers she has. "The biter?"

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