The one where they clinch

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Will have an announcement at the end of the next chapter :)

The rest of February went by insanely fast. We went on a couple road trips and had a few home games sprinkled in between the roadies. We've had a ton of fun and I've filled my cameras with memories.

Right now we're on our way home from a morning skate even though they don't play until tomorrow. "Wanna go sit in a hot tub?" Klim asks resting his hand on my leg.

"Sure, where?" I ask. "Leon and celestes" he answers. "Oh?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "He asked if we wanted to come over and hangout with them and bowie" he says.

I nod excitedly "yes that sounds so fun" I agree. He smiles and squeezes my leg "great we can head over after, that sound good?" He asks. "Sounds fantastic" I answer. He smiles and we get home a few minutes later.

We get to our room and I change into my bikini and put sweat pants and an oilers hoodie on since it is March and still pretty cold. There is another month of hockey until they start really fighting for a playoff spot.

Since they're doing so good so they're probably going to clinch the first spot in the division and that can happen at the end of the month. "Ready princsss?" He asks. I nod and we grab a couple towels before leaving to leon and celestes.

They're already in the back yard when we get there so we just take our first layers off inside before joining them in the hot tub. "How have you been?" Celeste asks. "So good, you?" I ask. "Fantastic" she answers.

After spending an hour in the hot tub we go inside and we put our clothes back on before they order pizza and we stay and eat while watching a movie. It's been awhile since we sat down and just hung out with another couple.

By midnight we're back home in bed and asleep since there is a morning skate then a game that I'll be photographing. The alarms wake us up at 6am and by 7:30 we're leaving for the arena.

We share a couple kisses in the hallway before I leave for the media room to drop my things off and then I go around to the top of the arena and take a photo of the ice.

As I'm going down in the elevator I send the photos off to amanda and then I go down to the bench to take more photos and i send those to her and she has them posted before the guys are on the ice.

I set the camera up and take photos of them all coming out of the locker room and then I take photos of them while they're on the ice. "Hey princess" klim calls. "Hey baby" I reply. He skates over with a smile "you look cute" he says.

My face heats up and I blush "thank you baby" I whisper. He smiles and kisses my forehead before skating off to go back to practice. Before they're done I'm off to the media room.

The photos are posted before they're done in the locker room so I'm waiting for him this time. He pulls me close when he comes out "I missed you" he whispers before kissing my forehead.

"You saw me on the ice" I giggle. He smiles "I know I still missed you" he whispers. I smile "let's go home baby" I reply. He nods and we go home. Kevin meows when we get through the door and klim feeds him some wet food and I go to our room.

He comes in when I'm changing and he moves the hair from my neck "beautiful" he whispers. "Thank you" I whisper back. He leaves kisses on my neck while his hands explore my body. "Can I taste you?" He asks.

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