The other two cars parked, alongside the field. Johnathan and Gus climbed out of the first one. and Kit, Luca, and the adorable Lissa got out, of the second one. She, like her parents, insisted on her short name being used, so Stacey was getting used to that. Lissa, looked a lot like London and Kit with her red hair, but she reminded Stacey of a young Gus with her spunky attitude.

Stacey picked up the box and held it close to her as everyone approached.

"Ready, Mom?" Kit asked gently.

"I am," Stacey gulped.

They all began to walk through the field slowly as Manny started to play a lullaby on his guitar.

"Wait." Gus stopped him. "She'd want it to be a love song."

"Yeah," Stacey agreed. "She would."

"Now I know there's no such thing as enough time"


...And so Manny played a love song as Stacey opened the box that contained London's ashes. They all reached in to pull out a handful of ashes out and tossed them into the air. They begun to walk as they continued on. One handful after another until the box had been emptied and someone had taken it from her.

Stacey watched with misty eyes as what was left of her daughter was carried by the wind across the field of flowers she loved so much.

A hand took hers, and she looked at her older daughter Kit, who was offering a comforting smile. Her other hand than was also gently grasped, and she turned to see Gus on her other side.

"We got you, Mom," he offered. "We'll get through this."

"Look." Kit motioned ahead to where Loni was walking hand in hand with her boyfriend, a big bright smile on her young face. Like London's, her eyes were so pretty, a soft honey-brown. They were full of hope, love, dreams... life. They were full of life.

Her granddaughter now had time to bloom, and her daughter finally found peace.

Someday with the help of her children and grandchildren she would too.


"So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls."

-The end-

I would like to dedicate this story to, Jess, Mark, and now Libby, the time we had you was to short far too short

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I would like to dedicate this story to, Jess, Mark, and now Libby, the time we had you was to short far too short. May you all rest in peace. Gone but never ever forgotten


Thank you so much to everyone for reading, voting, and supporting this story. It means the world to me. I'd always wanted to delve into something very family drama style. And this was such an emotional experience to write about. I hope you all liked it!

A Dying Man's wish and The Heart Of London were very personal to me, my family has seen a lot of tragedy over the last few years, and it's one of the reasons I escape to writing as much as I do. But digging into stories that hit close to home can so be therapeutic as well.

Thanks again for reading!
Much love~

Heidi Mae 

Heidi Mae 

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