"We thought you may want to come to my house for dinner!" Naruto spoke with his blinding smile. Grinning Mito nodded, "Heck yeah!"

"Hello Naruto, Shikamaru. It's good to see you both." Shisui spoke with a genuine smile. He couldn't help but be glad Mito had friends like these two.

Shikamaru bowed, "Mito has improved a lot thanks to you." Shikamaru complimented the ninja. "It has more to do with Kakashi than me."

"She has learned his Kenjutsu style and his chidori. I taught her the basics and the Body Flickr to increase her movements."

They all chatted for a few more minutes before finally deciding to leave. On the way Mito told them how Itachi had some kind of chakra sickness. Sasuke had been devastated. The clan elders were prepping him to take their place as the Clan head.

Shikamaru shook his head, "That clan can't catch a break. Itachi has done so many good things for the Uchiha and Konoha."

"Yeah. If it weren't for him they would have had my eyes sealed away and me tossed aside. Plus big brother Shisui has been training me since I could walk."

Naruto looked into his friend's eyes. He could see the grief plagued inside them. Itachi was a great leader. Naruto would have suggested him taking the Old man's place. Knowing this though, it makes sense why he hadn't taken it.

Opening the front door to the Oda house they saw Kakashi and Kenshi coming out of the kitchen. Sara was waiting patiently at the table for them to bring out the food. "We're back!"

"Naruto. I went hunting for something special for you." Kenshi had a smile on his face. Naruto though could smell the venison. His mouth watered as he hurried to the table. After moving into the village they bought majority of their food. It had been over a year since Naruto himself got to go hunting. Luckily he can still fish.

After eating the Genin moved out to the training area to star gaze. Shikamaru and Naruto's hands intertwined, "So you going to tell us what has you so worried?" Shikamaru asked to his boyfriend.

Letting out a sigh Naruto looked at each of his teammates, "They want the Bijuu. That's why Danzo and the Akatsuki came for me."

"That bastard." Mito replied glaring at the stars, "I think I may have to leave the village."

That got both the other two's attention. Shikamaru stood up, "What no. You are safest here."

"Yeah! Pineapple boy is right. We are stronger together." Both Shikamaru and Mito were frustrated with him. Shikamaru was no longer holding his hand.

Naruto smiled while looking at his friends, "I know we are, but we need to get stronger to fight them. If I stay here and let them take the fight to us than we won't win."

Tears formed in both Shikamaru and Mito's eyes, "If I leave. Even for a little bit we can get stronger and maybe even go on the hunt to stop them."

Sitting in silence for a minute as neither teammate knew what to say. Looking at his boyfriend and best friend Naruto pulled them both in for a hug. He knew he needed to talk to somebody about this but he wasn't sure who yet. It was the best way to keep the village safe.

Kenshi, Sara, and Kakashi were not to far off listening to the kids. Kenshi looked at the sharingan user, "Naruto is right. It would be unwise to have him stay in the village at least for a time."

"I'll speak to Jiriaya when he returns. He can protect and train him better than anyone else." Kakashi responded with confidence.

Sara looked between the two men before looking at the boy how came into their lives. How could she let one of the best things to happen to their little family leave for an unknown amount of time. She understood that they couldn't truly prepare him anymore. They gave Naruto the foundation to become strong. Everything else was up to him.

Naruto Uzumaki:Archer of Konoha Where stories live. Discover now