Chapter 10

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*Heeseung's POV*

It was the next day when heeseung woke up. I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the sunlight shining in my eyes. I slowly rubbed my eyes and looked up at my phone. It was nearly 10 am. in the morning.

I got out of bed of bed, went to the bathroom to change my clothes, and freshen up. After a refreshing cold shower,  I changed my clothes and got out to wake Sunghoon up.

"Sunghoon, wake up, it's 10 am in the morning, time for breakfast," I said as i continued to shake him up. Finally, he woke up and went to freshen up.

I then went downstairs and prepared bread and toast for me, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Riki, who also stayed here. After some time, Sunghoon arrived and helped me with setting up the table.

Aftet we sat, and after 10-15 mins, Sunoo and Riki also arrived seemingly talking. "Having fun, lovebirds." I teased them when they both blushed and told me to stop.

It was just yesterday that i found out that my lovely brother was the mate  of Riki, a good friend of mine, and Sunghoon and also the cute yet cool maknae.....


It was the time when Sunoo arrived to attend the intoduction ceremony of his precious brother when hevwas introduced to Sunghoon's packmates and friends and when he made eye contact with Riki that he realized that he found out his mate.

Everyone else also realized this, and Heeseung jokingly just exclaimed, "Ok, what just happened," that everyone broke out of the trance and stared laughing. Sunoo and the guys talked a little, and Ni-ki and Sunoo decided to talk later at night as the ceremony was starting soon.

Soon, the ceremony ended, and Sunoo was led by Sunghoon and Heeseung to the guest room, and Riki followed him . They said goodnight to Heeseung and Sunghoon, and they both went inside the guest room and sat.

"Well, this is awkward...." Riki ststed due to the deafening silence in the room. He also said, " I will start introducing myself, my name is Nishimura Riki or Ni-ki for short, I am 16 years old and I like Bowling and teasing others."

Following him,Sunoo also said, "My name is Kim Sunoo, Heeseung hyung's brother, I am 18 years old and I like to eat and Mint choco ice cream."

Hearing this, Ni-ki exclaimed, "What, you like that tooth paste flavour...." He was interrupted by Sunoo, who was offended and said,"Hey, it's a nice flavour. " Then, they both broke down into laughter.

" Sunoo started."So, what's your favourite colour?". Ni-ki said, "Hmmm, I like black and dark colours. What's yours??".Then Sunoo said, " I like purple and pink and bright colours."

Ni-ki then asked, "You watch kdramas?, What's your favourite one?". Hearing this, Sunoo started to rant. " Hmm, absolutely yes,I love kdramas, and my favourite is extraordinary you. My glory and last but not the least, Tomorrow . What about yours?".

"Hmm , i like action dramas,so I guess Vincenzo and I will start to watch Black Night soon."

After this they talked and got to know each other for hours. Soon, it was midnight, and since they were exhausted, they decided to call it a night. They both slept on the bed with a pillow wall in between as they had just met each other now.

*End of flashback*

Then the breakfast carried as usual and Heeseung and Sunghoon made planes in the afternoon for a date( in next chapter).

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