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A/N: Okay this chapter is a bit of a mess. Someone else wrote it for us and he doesn't like to be named, so nevermind. Leave any comments!

The sword was heavy in my hand, although it was wooden.

"No." I answered, not that it was very necessary.

Luke and I stood facing each other, sword in hand. Correction, wooden sword in hand. Thank the Gods that Percy didn't let us use real ones. We were now in the middle of the arena, with everybody gathering around, all eyes on us. They've all stopped their training to see us fight. I have never even held a sword before, while Luke was already decently proficient. Whatever, I wasn't gonna back down.

"I'm not sure why my father and dearest Bianca think you can do it, but no turning back now twerp."

"I'm not sure why either, haiz." I sighed.

The crowd started making noises. There were whispers everywhere about son of Percy Jackson challenging a newcomer.

"I'll wipe the floor with this beautiful boy over here." he smirked.

"Dude. I have a name." I said at a low voice.

Then without a warning, I charged.

I swung full force at Luke's head, trying to end it in one blow. Luke just ducked, and jabbed his sword at my stomach. I staggered back. That actually hurt, a lot. The fight's just started and I was already doubled over, that was ridiculous!

"Is that all you got, boy? I'm so disappointed in you." Luke stood a few feet away, laughing at me.

I stood up and charged again, this time jabbing for Luke's chest. He side stepped easily and rammed the hilt of his sword into my stomach. Again.

"Hahaha dude are you for real? Just give up, your stance is all wrong, your swing doesn't feel like it has much power and you're full of openings!" Luke said in a fit of laughter

There were more noises coming from the crowd. I heard someone telling me to give up.

But I wasn't paying attention to the crowd, I wouldn't make the same mistake Luke just did. I stood up, my body ached, my arms were led already, but something felt... different. I knew my body hurt but it was like my nerves just deactivated themselves. I stood up and ran towards Luke again. I aimed an upward strike towards Luke's thigh this time, but he was ready, as usual. He parried it as if he'd done it a thousand times, but before Luke could counter attack, even before me myself knew what I was doing, his body was already attacking again. Using the force from the parry, I turned and slashed down on Luke's shoulder. Luke flew back and landed on his back.

Everybody went silent.

>>> <<<

That was a lucky shot, I guessed.

"Lucky shot," Luke growled. He had the same thought, oh well. But then he got up so quickly. "but play times over, runt."

He came full force at me. I mean, why Luke? Why?

His moves were blinding fast, slash jab jab slash again. But I wasn't panicking at all, instead I was calm and collected. I could see where Luke was going to strike next, based on his attack pattern and position, and my body just moves on its own. The sword no longer felt awkward. It was still heavy, but it felt a lot more natural. It also felt really really warm for some reason.

Duck slash parry stab slash side step - However, Luke's moves were so fast that I couldn't keep up anymore. Out of nowhere, Luke's sword crashed into my chest, and I fell to my knees, trying desperately to take in air. My sword was growing hotter by the minute, it was becoming uncomfortable.

I couldn't win in a head-to-head sword play. I knew that, Luke knew that, and everybody knew that.

"This fight is taking forever! Just give up, newbie! He's Luke!" that came from someone in the huge crowd.

It took me a few seconds to realize that Luke was no longer in front of me. He was right behind me, slashing my back. But before his sword could make contact, I had already side stepped and spun around. Luke grabbed my sword out of the air, and kicked me in the stomach. I went down. What's the matter with this guy and my tummy though!

Before I could recover, Luke was already on me. Blow after blow crashed into me, and pain filled my mind. Adrenaline filled my body. I had had enough of Luke and his bullying. No more. I kicked up as hard as I could, and nailed Luke in the ribs. I could faintly hear Luke's groan, but I didn't pay much attention. I swung his sword, and it crashed into Luke's shin, and now it was Luke's turn to fall. I fell face first into the forest earth.

I got up and pointed my sword down at Luke's throat.

That was it. I won.

"Game over Luke."

I was so angry now, feeling like I was on fire. The crowd went wild.

And suddenly, my sword bursted into flames.

I threw it away, but then I realized that the fire didn't come from the sword, but my hand. Then, the fire started to spread to my arm.

"Oh my Gods! Put it out!" I called for help.

Out of the blue, I was blasted by water, the stream came so fast it nearly knocked me over. I thanked Percy quietly.

That wasn't a fun experience.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked a very concerned Bianca. Behind her, Percy was starring at me aghastly.

"Yeah, I think so... What was that?"

I looked down, the sword was burnt black, but my hand was fine, not a single mark.

"I think we might know who your Godly parent is." Bianca spoke up after a while of silence.

People started whispering. Leo was trying to lift Luke up at the corner of my eye. Percy's sea green eyes were still fixing on me. My head was spinning around.

Bianca was trying to reach me, but I didn't want to talk to anyone at that moment. Not even her.

"Hey!" Bianca called after me. I didn't turn back. I tried to run out of the arena. But something knocked me down.

I fell, lying unconsciously on the hard ground.

Crimson Red. (a Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz