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I'm a DEMIGOD! WE'RE ALL demigods!

Okay, that came out rather too quickly, sorry.

You must be very confused right now, and wondering what a 'demigod' is, and why I am telling you this right now.

First off, my apology for showing up screaming at your faces like that, and my name is Ken, nice to know you guys. It's actually Kenneth Aaron Heathrow , but most of the time I go by Ken. So yeah.

Anyway let's get to business. As I said before, I'm a demigod, and I am here talking to you because you all are demigods yourselves. And because of that, well, you should listen to my story carefully or you will die.
Scary, huh?

So, demigods, also called half-bloods, are the offspring of humans and gods. Yes, I know, it sounds kinda impossible, doesn't it? But believe me, the Gods are so REAL.

You heard of the Olympus? It was located in Greece long time ago. And guess what? Now it's on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building! I assure you that the Olympus and the Underworld, which is located under Los Angeles for that matter, still exists, and so do the Greek Gods. They go to our world, meet, love and have kids with human, that's how we were born.

Sounds familiar? You may have heard of some ancient Greek demigods like Hercules, Achilles and Odysseus . But do you know that lots of famous people like Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein and Amelia Earhart also had godly parents? Unbelievable, right?

I know it sounds pretty cool to be half God, but you have to know about the dangers. In case you don't know, well of course you don't , demigods like us are twice as vulnerable as human. Why? Man-made weapons can kill us, holy weapons can kill us, 'cause we're part God, part human!

For some reasons, monsters take a lot of interest in us demigods, and that causes us more problems. Which is why we have this safe haven called Half-blood Camp. As for children of the Roman Gods , they have camp Jupiter. These safe havens protect us from being tracked down by monsters, also provide us lessons on surviving and fighting skills, hence become the place where all demigods have to go to, or be sent to, when they're in their teens.

Without further ado, I'll tell you how I found out about myself and all that happened at Camp and all the shenanigans I've gotten myself into. Then you may decide whether to come to Camp or not! These information might come in handy some day, seriously. I just need you to pay attention to what I'm about to tell you all, okay? Great.

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