Chapter 19.-The secret admirer

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"Wait a minute, I didn't know that" Tawky Tawny protested raising his paw. "Do you have a twin Billy?"

"Yeah, his name is Jonah Beck" Shazam said rolling his eyes. "The first time I saw him in the store it was weird, but now that I've met him he's really annoying."

"If he's the guy we searched for on the internet, he doesn't look like you," said Super Pedro.

"Well, not in this form" Shazam explained. "Wait, now I'll show you how he looks physically"

Shazam steps back and takes a deep breath.

"Shazam!" Shazam yells and lightning strikes him transforming him back into Billy.

"Now it makes sense," Tawky Tawny observed.

"And you haven't seen anything yet" Billy said and decided to do a sarcastic imitation of his twin with a big smile on his face. "Look at me I'm Jonah Beck, I believe that I'm the big deal and I'm the best. I consider frisbee a real sport, I want to steal Billy's girlfriend and I don't even care that he's my twin; but hey! everything is docious magocious and I like playing cool!"

"Whoa" Super Eugene exclaims, shocked.

"Dude, you really sounded just like him and that gave me chills" added Super Freddy.

"I swear meeting him was an absolute nightmare," Billy said, rolling his eyes. "Especially because he wants to steal my girlfriend. Jonah is just not to be trusted, he broke Andi's heart and I am able to protect her both in my superhero form and as myself"

If you need me to watch your back or watch your twin count me in" said Super Freddy.

"Thanks man," Billy said, fist bumping Super Freddy. "oh wait..." Billy takes a step back. "Shazam!" He again transforms into a superhero.

"Guys, time for dinner..." Victor spoke but he saw that there was some kind of twilight zone with some monster statues, seven thrones in the background and there were six adult superheroes and a tiger wearing clothes. "Oh my God"

"This is funny, right?" Shazam says with an awkward smile. "I know what this looks like. That's not true. I have no idea what this looks like. Just don't freak out!" Victor screams in horror. "I said don't freak out!"

"Wait dad, calm down" Super Freddy soothes him. "it's us!"

"Rosa!!" Victor yells. "Rosa!"

"Shh no" Super Darla tries to calm him down. "Calm down dad, everything is fine"

"Baby, are you okay? I heard you screaming" Rosa said walking over him and saw that she was also in The Rock of the eternity with six adult superheroes and a tiger. so she also screamed.

"Guys please!" Super Mary said. "This is not what it looks like"

"If you don't tell us who you are and what you did to our children, I'm going to call the police" Rosa said, taking her spray from her pocket. "Or worse...I'm going to spray this on you!"

"Look at me, it's Billy" Shazam points at his eyes. "Mom, it's Billy, okay?" He then points at his siblings with a glance and they wave their hands greeting their parents and then shyly Tawky Tawny removes his hat to greet Victor and Rosa. "And that's Eugene and that's Freddy, that's Darla and that's Mary, obvi, and then Pedro, and this is Tawky Tawny, which is a tiger, but it's friendly, not like Casper the friendly ghost because this is a tiger that in the end it doesn't hurt anyone"

"Sounds hard to believe," Victor says, still in shock.

"Guys, this is no time for secrets, okay?" Shazam tells his siblings. "We have to tell 'em the truth"

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