Chapter 5 - Closing in

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The Nemesis was the most impressive dreadnought ever constructed on Cybertron. It was also the most menacing to me so that when the Autobots saw it in the sky, they knew I meant business with its jagged wings, powerful engine, and pigments of black, purple and red giving it an overall menacing look.

This was the planet that Soundwave managed to track the Autobots, too, although he can not seem to find where their base is located. I can't call him incompetent yet. He hasn't let me down, but I should say it for Starscream and his seekers, for he is definitely up to something.

We would not be on this wretched planet if it weren't for me. Back on Cybertron, I craved power and rose above my status as a gladiator in the pits of Kaon. The only true friend I had eventually turned against me and started, in my eyes, a rebellion. I can not believe I once considered him a brother way back then, eons ago, that is.

The tide turned in my favour of the civil war once I was able to seize the power of Dark Energon and hoped to use it to corrupt the Core of Cybertron itself so that I may control the planet. That only proved to make matters worse as we were forced to leave our home.

Optimus, my brother turned the enemy fled with his Autobots and I began pursuit with the Decepticons who supported me. We may have left our home behind but I hoped that this planet we found ourselves on was rich enough with Energon for us to return to Cybertron, perhaps even enslave the primitive insects of this planet as well.

"Lord Megatron," it's Starscream's raspy voice interrupting my thoughts as I stood facing the window of the ship's bridge, speak of the devil.

"What do you want?" I growled, turning to face him.

"The Autobots are scattered. There's not a sign of a place they gather. But I have found something interesting,"

Unimpressed, I looked at him with my glowing red optics; the only part of my body that isn't black or silver, other than my purple emblem of the Decepticons. I know he has certainly done something without permission, yet again.

"Report your discovery, quickly. Remember, my patience level is critical," I demanded sternly,

Starscream's optics flashed, and his overall face unsettled. No matter how many times he defied me, a part of him still trembles in fear of my presence. It pleases me to witness it.

Starscream walked past me to the nearest terminal, bringing up a hologram of a long road seemingly in the middle of nowhere. In the center was a red truck moving along the highway past other cars.

"When returning from our scouting mission, Thundercracker reported that he saw Optimus driving down this road with these coordinates. I told him to engage, but of course, he refused,"

"He is right to do so, Starscream. No one rids of Optimus but me," I reminded him, "Prime alone is a perfect opportunity to ambush and slay him once and for all!" I started to walk away,

Starscream shuddered, "That's not all, Megatron, he's not alone,"

I spun around quickly, "What?"

"Thundercracker also says there's a human traveling with Optimus, not a hologram but a real human!"

I stared at Starscream, dumbstruck at first, and then I looked at the hologram again, zooming in to see if he was right. A human was inside Optimus's vehicle form, seemingly unaware. Starscream stepped away from me like I was about to strangle him, but I refrained and let out a short laugh instead.

"Optimus, you truly have gone weak. You choose to spend your time frolicking with these insects. Meanwhile, Cybertron is severely weakened, and it seems you don't care!"

"Megatron, maybe we could also capture that human? It doesn't seem to realize what it's gotten itself into. Perhaps it can tell us where Earth's resources are found?" Starscream inquired.

I paused briefly. I had not seen many humans since we followed the Autobots to this planet, but if this was their home planet no doubt they were more familiar with its terrain than we were. I looked at the hologram again, the human was female with a rather rebellious appearance and flaming red hair, and she was driving Optimus while bopping to something simultaneously. She was either allied with him and traveling in disguise or she was completely unaware of what she got herself into.

"Not a bad idea, Starscream. If she doesn't know what she's dealing with it makes her a perfect target to sway toward the right cause before she is able to get involved with the wrong one! If Optimus intervenes, I shall slay him!" I laughed again, perhaps he was not as worthless as I thought.

"Soundwave! Transmit Prime's coordinates to me at once," I barked to the blue and white Decepticon at the terminal next to us.

"Coordinates received, now uploading," Soundwave replied in his mechanical monotonous voice. I took the data from him and set it to the main computer that only I was authorized to use. The image on the screen was clearer now of Optimus in his truck with the human female driving him freely with no care in the world. Optimus had not taken over yet.

I grinned maliciously knowing exactly where to go and headed to the back of the ship and into the hangar. Starscream followed close behind me and his two scouts Thundercracker and Skywarp were waiting for us.

"Oh Megatron, do allow us to accompany you! We can seize the human while you take care of Prime!" he pleaded enthusiastically. I turned and glared at him.

"And risk the possibility that you'll abandon me should my foe somehow be lucky enough to triumph while you bring that human back alone and declare yourself a leader? Not a chance, I shall go alone and will still function and return with Prime dead and the human in my grasp. Man the ship until then," I stepped closer to him, "and don't get any ideas while I'm gone!"

Starscream recoiled, "open the doors!" he demanded,

Skywarp and Thundercracker pulled two levers on each side and the ship's hangar opened to the bright blue sky with a blanket of clouds below.

I stepped toward the edge of the ramp and took off into the sky, "I'm coming Prime, for you and your insect!" I laughed menacingly as I descended below the clouds.

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