~Chapter 1~

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Percy let out a deep sigh as he settled down on the grass, relaxing in contrast to how tense he had been. He had just gotten out of a training session, and he wasn't going easy on himself.

He conjured some water and splashed him over himself, completely soaking him in sea water.. Sighing in relief at the relaxing sensation of cold water, Percy turned to see the person who was approaching.

"Hey, Wise Girl."

Annabeth didn't look up from her book as she walked over to Percy, ruffled his hair, and sat down under a tree. She smirked slightly from behind the book, but moved the book so Percy couldn't see her face.

Percy chuckled and sat down next to his girlfriend, kissing her cheek. She didn't look up but blushed a light pink, and Percy looked at her, satisfied with the blush.

"Okay, okay," Annabeth laughed, "Dam you, Seaweed Brain."

Percy let out a laugh and Annabeth slowly laid into Percy's chest, laying comfortably as she continued her reading.

Percy played with her hair while she read. Annabeth didn't like people touching her hair, but, obviously, Percy was the only exception.

Eventually, after twenty minutes or so, Annabeth put the now-finished book on the ground and looked up at Percy, her head on his lap.

"Well, Seaweed Brain, what should we do now?"

Percy gently swiped the curls in her face with his hand before saying,

"I don't know, how 'bout a walk?"

Annabeth quietly laughed and looked at Percy. Grey met sea-green, and they smiled happily and paused before they said or did anything. Percy gave a happy sigh and looked at Annabeth's face.

A smile tugged on their lips.

"Sure, we can go on a walk," Annabeth said quietly, gazing into his eyes. Softly smiling, Percy got up and helped Annabeth up.

"Where to, Seaweed Brain?"

Percy lightly chuckled and smirked.

"Your choice, Annie," Percy teased, earning a playful glare and a not-so-playful smack from Annabeth.

"Hey, hey! It's only fair!"

Annabeth laughed and lightly kissed Percy on the cheek.

"Oh, just follow me, Seaweed Brain."

And so, Percy followed Annabeth into the woods, where there was an enchanting, beautiful spot filled with the tallest of trees and prettiest of flowers.

Time stopped around them as they gazed into each other's eyes, leaning in until their lips met. Percy gave a small smile before they leaned in, their lips meeting into a longing kiss.

It took nearly a minute before they broke apart, panting, trying to get some air into their lungs. Percy smirked at Annabeth and got a smirk in return, leaning in to kiss again.

After they got back, they went to dinner and went back to their cabins. Percy wanted to see Annabeth again, so he got up and set off toward her cabin.

He was just beside the window when he heard voices. From the corner of the curtain, he saw Annabeth sitting on a boy's lap on her bed, smirking at him.

"... don't worry, he won't know."

Percy moved closer to the window, trying to listen to their conversation.

"I'm not worried about him, am I now?"

Percy couldn't place the voice. He had heard it around camp before, obviously, but he didn't know exactly who it was.

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